May 6, 2009

EP passes performers' copyright term extension directive in first reading

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EP verabschiedet die Verlängerung der Urheberrechtsfrist in der ersten Lesung |] Although largely opposed by some EU Member States in the Council, criticized by the consumers’ organizations and strongly opposed by 4 out of the 7 main political groups (ALDE, GREENS/EFA, NGL, IND/ DEM) in the European […]

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November 21, 2007

IGF 2007: still a long way to effective outcome

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) that took place this year in Rio de Janeiro was attended by over1300 participants from 109 countries and focused on the following main themes – critical Internet resources, access, diversity, openness and security. In total there were 84 events in a 4-day […]

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June 15, 2011 · Blogs

ENDitorial: Hello CIRCAMP web blocking, goodbye democracy

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Hallo CIRCAMP-Netzsperren, Tschüss Demokratie |] Late in 2010, with the issue of web blocking still being discussed in the European Parliament, the European Commission decided, with complete disregard for the outcome of the democratic process on this issue, to invest a further 324 059 Euro in […]

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June 15, 2011

Recommended Action. Smart meters: Let's be clever and team up

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Mitmachen! Smart Metering: Seid klug und schließt Euch zusammen! |] The European Union decided that 80% of all users are to have a smart meter in 2020. These instruments will then measure the consumption of gas and electricity. They can be integrated in a smart grid, a […]

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June 6, 2012

French Court considers YouTube non liable for the content

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Frankreich: YouTube haftet nicht für Inhalte |] On 29 May 2012, in a case brought to court by TF1 against Google for its YouTube service, the High Court of Paris ruled that YouTube was just a hosting service and therefore not bound to police the content posted […]

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June 5, 2013 · Blogs

Will the new data protection rules be even weaker than the old ones?

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Wird das neue Datenschutzgesetz schlechter als das alte? |] The draft regulation on data protection proposed by the European Commission in January 2012 is being debated by MEPs to decide on de direction of the vote to be taken in the civil liberties committee, possibly at the […]

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February 28, 2007

EPLA found illegal by the EP Legal Service

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Legal Service which advises the European Parliament (EP) on legal issues and acts as its representative in court, found the Patent Litigation Agreement (EPLA) as illegal being in direct contradictions with the European law and several EU treaties. The very controversial EPLA, if adopted, would bind […]

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October 7, 2009

Deja-vu: France's three-strikes law referred to Constitutional Council

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deja-vu: Frankreichs 3 Treffer-Gesetz an den Verfassungsrat weitergeleitet |] As expected, on 28 September 2009 the socialist group of the French National Assembly submitted their referral to the Constitutional Council against the second version of the three strikes law (so-called Hadopi 2) passed in September through both […]

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September 22, 2010

ENDitorial: Internet blocking in ten weeks and counting

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Internet-Sperren in zehn Wochen |] Within the next ten weeks, the European Parliament will finish its crucial first reading of the Directive which, if the European Commission has its way, will impose an EU-wide blocking infrastructure – undermining child protection, fundamental rights and the EU’s voice […]

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August 1, 2012 · Blogs

A new Net Neutrality EC consultation delays possible regulations

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Neue EU Konsultation zur Netzneutralität verzögert rechtliche Schritte |] Following BEREC’s report in May 2012 on Net Neutrality, the European Commission launched on 23 July 2012 another consultation, open by 15 October 2012, to investigate on whether ISPs are manipulating online traffic management, thus postponing new regulatory […]

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September 7, 2011

EP committee supports the introduction of body scanners in EU airports

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EP-Ausschuss für die Einführung von Nacktscannern in Europa |] To the dismay of liberal groups, the European Parliament’s Transport Committee decided on 31 August 2011 to back up the European Commission in the introduction of body scanners in EU airports. Although imposing certain conditions such as excluding […]

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October 19, 2011

German police accused of using a Trojan backdoor for interceptions

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutsche Polizei soll Trojaner für Online-Durchsuchungen eingesetzt haben |] According to EDRi-member Chaos Computer Club (CCC), the German government has been using a backdoor Trojan, a spyware that can retrieve private data, and also offers a remote control for uploading and executing other arbitrary programs. CCC has […]

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