Call for papers: Cambridge Disinformation Summit 2025
The 2025 Cambridge Disinformation Summit is designed to convene global thought leaders to discuss research regarding the efficacy of potential interventions to mitigate the harms from disinformation.
The 2025 Cambridge Disinformation Summit is designed to convene global thought leaders to discuss research regarding the efficacy of potential interventions to mitigate the harms from disinformation.
Papers will be selected for presentation at the Summit by an interdisciplinary Scientific Committee, from those submitted in response to a Call for Papers that will open later in 2024.
Research might consider policy, regulatory, enforcement, audit, fact-checking, sociological, psychological, religious, algorithmic, financial, or other frameworks for interventions, and should consider balancing free speech and other fundamental human rights.
The Scientific Committee is pleased to announce a call for papers for the Cambridge Disinformation Summit.
Papers from any discipline or research methods will be considered that relate to the Summit’s theme, “Research on the efficacy of disinformation interventions”.
Submissions will be considered that explore potential interventions that might include, but are not limited to:
- governance frameworks
- understanding of and potential interventions that relate to disinformation actors
- understanding of and potential interventions that relate to disinformation incentives
- understanding of and potential interventions that relate to dissemination channels
- understanding of and potential interventions that relate to targeted vulnerable audiences
- accountability for harms from disinformation campaigns
- viability of technology to support interventions
10 to 12 papers will be selected by the scientific committee to be invited for presentation at the events in Cambridge UK.
Priority will be given to newer working papers that can both inform and be informed by the Summit’s interdisciplinary audience.
The call for papers will be open from 25 August 2024 through 11:59 PM BST on 25 October 2024.
Authors will be notified about their paper’s final selection status by the third week of December 2024.
Find out more about the event here.