
We Promise campaign kit

By EDRi · May 12, 2014

The European elections will take place between 22 and 25 May – you can use this opportunity to tell candidates that they have to defend net neutrality, privacy, copyright reform, transparency and the access to culture in the next term.

This campaign kit is therefore designed for everyone who wants to mobilise around the WePromise campaign, so feel free to add banners and pics below to your websites, blogs and social media channels.

Badge 1 125×125:


Embed code :

<a title=”WePromise.EU” href=””><img src=”” alt=”WePromise.EU” /></a>

Badge 2 125×125 :


Embed code :

<a title=”WePromise.EU” href=””><img src=”” alt=”WePromise.EU” /></a>

Banner 728×90:


Embed code :

<a title=”WePromise.EU” href=””><img src=”” alt=”WePromise.EU” /></a>

Flag 1 234×125 :


Embed code :

<a title=”WePromise.EU” href=””><img src=”” alt=”WePromise.EU” /></a>

Flag 2 234×125 :


Embed code :

<a title=”WePromise.EU” href=””><img src=”” alt=”WePromise.EU” /></a>

Avatar 200×200 :

Facebook Avatar

Cover 851×315 :

Facebook Cover

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01_transparency 02_personaldata 02_privacy

03_onlinecensorship 03_openinternet 04_copyright

05_privatemsgs-FB 05_privatemsgs 05_spiedon

05_privatemsgs-TW06_onlinesecurity 07_privateenforcement

08_exportcensorshiptools 09_multistakeholderism 10_freesoftware