
Remember: Giancarlo Livraghi

By EDRi · February 26, 2014

Giancarlo Livraghi, the first president and founding member of EDRi member ALCEI Italy, passed away last Saturday.

An active advocate of net freedom and culture, Giancarlo was also contributor to EDRi-gram on various ENDitorials trying to explain for our readership the Italian intricacies of Internet politics.

His texts and thoughts are accurate even today, several years later.

We kindly invite you to taste again the unique Giancarlo’s style in his older ENDitorial published in EDRi-gram or his latest book.

Power of Stupidity (May, 2009)

ENDitorial: “Frattinising” isn’t the only threat (26.09.2007)

ENDitorial: A stupid law and a perverse “criminal” sentence (24.09.2008)

Giancarlo Livraghi (1927-2014) – work and books