
2013: EU consultations of importance to digital rights

By EDRi · January 18, 2013

The European Commission frequently organises consultations, which are open not only to industry but also civil society and individual citizens. These are valuable opportunities to shape policy in a positive way from the outset rather than needing to take to the streets when the wrong policy is developed based on bad analysis.

The following is a list of consultations that are of particular importance to digital rights in 2013:

*IPRED consultation on the efficiency of proceedings and accessibility of measures
Deadline 30 March
See EDRi’s answering guide
EDRi’s response:

*Public consultation on the Independent Report from the HLG on Media Freedom and Pluralism
Deadline 14 June
See EDRi’s response:

*Public consultation on the independence of the audiovisual regulatory bodies
Deadline 14 June

*European External Action Service – New EU guidelines on Freedom of expression
Deadline 15 July
See EDRi’s answering guide
EDRi’s response:

*Green Paper – Preparing for a Fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values
Update:Deadline 30 September
Green paper in English (pdf)
EDRi’s response: