The European Association for the Defense of Human rights (AEDH) acts in a Europe where major choices are made and affect 500 million individuals. It takes a stand and asserts Human and citizens’ rights so that the Fundamental Rights of all EU residents are recognised in their universality, indivisibility and validity. It counts 23 member organisations in 18 countries as well as individual members and volunteers. It calls for the existence and the recognition of a real citizen counter-power.
European Digital Rights (EDRI) is the first and largest European non-governmental, not-for-profit organization focusing on the defence and promotion of human rights in the digital environment. EDRI includes 27 member organizations from 18 countries of the Council of Europe space, as well as individual observers. EDRI publishes EDRI-gram, a bi-weekly newsletter about digital rights in Europe. EDRI is an observer to the CoE and to WIPO and serves on the OECD CSISAC) board.