Big Brother Awards Italy 2011
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The winners of the Big Brother Awards Italy 2011 were designated on 3 June
2011, in Florence, on the occasion of the e-privacy conference 2011.
Facebook was the “star” of the awards being nominated for several categories
and won the price for the “Most Invasive Technology”.
The “Lament of the People” award was not given this year, as the votes were
equally split between Telecom Italia, Facebook and the Ministry of Internal
Affairs. “Worst Private Agency” was again a tie between Facebook and Sony
Entertainment Systems which received an equal number of votes.
PEC and CEC-PAC (certified electronic mail), as normative and legal
obligation, received the award for the “Worst Public Agency” as the most
damaging for people’s privacy.
The positive “Winston Smith – Privacy Hero” price was received by Stefano
Rodota for his work to the legislative proposal for the modification of
Constitution Article 21.
Big Brother Awards Italy 2011 (only in Italian)
Big Brother Awards Italy: all the winners (only in Italian, 6.06.2011)