Italian draft law suggests a "one strike" law for copyright infringement

By EDRi · September 21, 2011

This article is also available in:
Deutsch: [Italien plant One-Strike-Gesetz gegen Copyright-Verstöße |]

A group of the Italian parliamentarians has recently introduced a draft law
which could basically block the freedom of expression and access to
information in Italy.

The draft law, which includes two articles, stipulates that an Internet user
may be banned to access the Internet based on a simple notification from
“any interested person” about an alleged copyright infringement. And this,
without any judicial procedure and without the right to appeal.

ISPs would be bound to suspend the access to the “blacklisted” users
suspected of copyright infringement and apply preventive filters against
services that allegedly infringe copyright and services which “may” lead
citizens to “think” that infringing services exist.

The draft law not only violates several European Directives (such as the
Telecom Package), but is also in violation of the European Convention for
the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the European Union by not complying to the right to a
due legal process – the right to be heard and legal representation – and is
equally in violation of the principle of proportionality.

Text of the draft law (only in Italian)

A short analysis of Internet killer Centemero draft law by Paolo Brini for
AirVPN (19.09.2011)

The right to Internet and the Italian parliament: DDL Centemero-Versace
introduces the suspension of the access to Internet for those who download
movies or music (only in Italian, 18.09.2011)

Il diritto ad internet ed il Parlamento Italiano: Il DDL Centemero-Versace introduce la sospensione dei servizi di accesso ad internet per chi scarica e carica film e musica.