Webinar – Using European Citizens Initiatives for advocacy
On 6 April, FRA will run a webinar on the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) and how civil society organisations can make use of it.
All civil society organisations from the FRA Fundamental Rights Platform will be invited to join.
The webinar will discuss what a European Citizens’ Initiative is, how to use it for advocacy. It and will focus on participatory democracy and involvement of active citizens in policymaking.
After an introduction by the European Commission and the European Citizen Action Service (ECAS), two ECI organisers ‘European Digital Rights (EDRi)’ and ‘Voters without Borders, Full Political Rights for EU Citizens’ will share their experiences.
The webinar will be interactive, with time for discussion.
Recordings will be available under the Fundamental Rights Platform library.
The European Commission’s Secretariat-General organises the event jointly with FRA.
More details regarding this event can be found here.