Celebrating 25 years of Bits of Freedom!

In 2024, EDRi member Bits of Freedom celebrates its 25th anniversary. For a quarter of a century it has been their mission to shape internet policy in support of an open and just society. One in which people can hold those in power accountable and effectively question the status quo. Bits of Freedom does this through advocacy, campaigning and litigation, in the Netherlands and Brussels. Time to look back: what are the highlights of the past 25 years?

By Bits of Freedom (guest author) · September 11, 2024

Much of Bits of Freedom’s work consists of ‘preventing harmful things from happening.’ The organisation has successfully blocked numerous internet filters in the Netherlands, and, in the past also a so-called embed tax. Another example includes when Bits of Freedom stopped KPN, a Dutch telecom provider, from charging their customers extra for sending WhatsApp messages. Additionally, Bits of Freedom has thwarted proposed new powers for the Dutch secret services. One of their most significant accomplishments is protecting encryption by consistently fighting against various plans by the Dutch government to undermine it.

In addition to its impact on policy, Bits of Freedom has assisted individuals and civil society organisations in protecting themselves from online threats. Tools like the ‘Privacy Insight Machine’, currently known as ‘My Data Done Right’, allow people to access and manage their data. This project is now running in collaboration with more than 10 other European organisations.

Furthermore, there has been a focus on enhancing the digital resilience of civil society organisations. A prime example of this the recent [‘Stay Loud’ campaign](Stay Loud | Bits of Freedom), which provides activists and civil society organisations with practical tips to strengthen their online presence and freedom of expression, despite social media restrictions and risks.

Last but not least, Bits of Freedom was one of the initiators of European Digital Rights (EDRi) and is very proud to be part of the network. EDRi was founded in 2001 as the European network defending rights and freedoms online, and currently has over 50 member organisations from all over Europe.

There’s still much work to be done, so here’s to the next 25 years! But first, the anniversary will be celebrated on 8 October in Amsterdam. The evening will focus on the challenges, successes, key people and moments from the past 25 years of Bits of Freedom, while also looking forward to the future: what lies ahead? The event will include a debate featuring critical discussions on pressing topics such as artificial intelligence, the power of Big Tech, freedom of communication and privacy.

The programme will be conducted in Dutch, but if you want to join, you are most welcome! Send an e-mail to Maartje, communication lead at Bits of Freedom at maartje [at] bitsoffreedom [dot] nl.

Contribution by: Maartje Knaap,Communications Lead, EDRi member, Bits of Freedom