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Censorship Machines or citizens? EU Parliament decides on Wednesday

The best option for dealing with a bad proposal is to delete it, so this is what MEPs should be asked to vote for.

By EDRi · September 10, 2018

On Wednesday 12 September 2018 at noon, the European Parliament will be voting again on the copyright Directive.

As EDRi and 57 other NGOs have been saying since the proposal was launched, and it has been said by academia, the UN Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Internet luminaries, and many others Article 13 of the Directive is a fundamentally flawed proposal.

The vote in July prevented the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee from entering directly into secret negotiations (called trilogues) with the EU Council and there has been a little more time to keep debating different aspects of the Directive and to propose new alternative texts (amendments). These new amendments were discussed over the last two weeks, in closed-door meetings in the Parliament.

These amendments go from making the text even more unclear and damaging (the ones proposed by the Rapporteur Axel Voss MEP and Cavada MEP) to deletion and almost everything in between.

The best option for dealing with a bad proposal is to delete it, so this is what MEPs should be asked to vote for. However, the EU works on the basis of compromise, and some MEPs may not wish to vote for outright rejection. In that case, we would encourage those MEPs who won’t ask for deletion that to support the amendment from the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO), which is a compromise that has received significant cross-party support.

If you have not contacted your MEP yet, you still have time! Go to and call, tweet or email your MEP and let them know your opposition to upload filters.

Read more:

Copyright: Compulsory filtering instead of obligatory filtering – a compromise? (04.08.2018)

EP Plenary on the Copyright Directive – Who voted what? (23.07.2018)

Press Release: EU Parliamentarians support an open, democratic debate on Copyright Directive (05.07.2018)

Action plan against the first obligatory EU internet filter (28.06.2018)

Moving Parliament’s copyright discussions into the public domain (27.06.2018)
