Democratic support for net neutrality is clear, as is Council’s stubbornness
All political groups in the European Parliament have made their support for net neutrality clear. Not alone did the European Parliament adopt a strong text in favour of non-discrimination on the Internet in 2014, but political groups representing the vast majority of the Parliament have made clear statements in favour of a neutral, innovative, democratic internet.
However, in three months of “negotiations” with 28 EU Member States represented in the Council of the European Union, the Council completely refused to show any openness to honest compromise. Even worse, in the last public Council meeting, nobody, either from the Commission or the Member States, was even prepared to say the words “net neutrality”.
Democratic support for net neutrality exists. It’s clear. Citizens want net neutrality, start-ups want net neutrality, civil society wants net neutrality, consumers groups want net neutrality, the youth wings of European political parties want net neutrality, online companies want net neutrality. And our representatives in the Council? The EU Council wants protectionist measures for a few ex-monopolies. Contact your MEPs to offer your support at and contact your national Telecommunications Ministry to find out why they are not representing you.