EDRi’s press review 2015
21/01 Some French want a Patriot Act, but they have something even tougher (globalpost)
21/01 Eurovision tellybods: Yes, you heard right – net neutrality (The Register)
21/01 EBU urges European net neutrality (Digital TV Europe)
21/01 Some French want a Patriot Act, but they have something even tougher (globalpost)
22/01 Calls for European ISPs to filter content could be illegal, EU council documents suggest (Resellernews)
22/01 Pedidos para ISPs filtrarem conteúdos podem ser ilegais (Computerworld)
22/01 Internetowa cenzura niezgodna z prawem UE? Litwini bior? pod lup? kontrowersyjn? dyrektyw? (dobreprogramy)
22/01 Calls for ISPs to filter content could be illegal, EU council documents suggest (CIO, Pc Advisor, Pc World)
22/01 Germany’s Infamous Copyright Warning Letters May Be Reined In — In A Few Years’ Time (klerk)
26/01 Patriot Act à la française: Braucht Frankreich weitere Überwachungsmaßnahmen? (Netzpolitik)
27/01 What did you see? Terrorism, democracy, privacy (Euranet Plus)
27/01 TSA Plans to Remove Social Media Screening From Airport Security Proposal (Sputnik)
27/01 US TSA Proposed Social Media Checks Threaten Freedom of Speech (Sputnik)
27/01 The Satire And The Faux: Reflections On Charlie Hebdo – OpEd (eurasia review)
27/01 Neutralité du Net : le rendez-vous manqué du Parlement européen (Mediapart.fr)
29/01 Agcom censura chi parla delle sue censure’: la denuncia dell’European digital rights (Il Fatto Quotidiano)
29/01 Kampf gegen den digitalen Hass (tagesschau.de)
30/01 Charlie Hebdo must not be used to expand surveillance (“Scoop” World)
31/01 To be continued – The rules of the road on the internet will always be a work in progress (The Economist)
02/02 Netzneutralität: “Das Netz, wie wir es kennen, ist in Gefahr” (Der Standard)
07/02 EDRi adviseert Facebookgebruikers adblocker (security.nl)
07/02 Le combat d’Amazon à Bruxelles (security.nl)
08/02 European civil rights organisation advises Facebook users to use ad blocker (myce)
08/02 France’s embrace of harsh anti-terror laws that go far beyond America’s Patriot Act (globalpost)
10/02 NSA : beaucoup de bruit pour rien dans la lutte antiterroriste (Libération)
11/02 Let op wat je zegt, jouw smart-tv luistert mee (De Staandard)
11/02 European Parliament Votes For Renewal Of Mandate For Internet Governance Forum (Intellectual Property Watch)
15/02 Kampf gegen EU-Überwachung: Jetzt European Digital Rights (EDRi) unterstützen (Anonymous News Germany)
17/02 Zum Schutz digitaler Grundrechte (Eurozine)
24/02 EU-Urheberrechtsreform: Antwort auf den Berichtsentwurf (Netzpiloten.de)
24/02 Integracija, asimilacija in terorizem (Radio Student FM89.3)
03/03 Alarms sound over changes to EU roaming, net neutrality and privacy rules (Gigaom)
03/03 National governments punch holes in EU data protection bill (EU Observer)
03/03 EU data protection reform ‘badly broken,’ civil liberty groups warn (PCWorld)
03/03 European countries, pushed by Germany, are systematically working to destroy the fabric of European privacy legislation, rights groups say (Sputniknews)
03/03 La riforma UE sulla protezione dei dati è sotto attacco (Messaggero Veneto)
04/03 EU data protection reform draft “an empty shell” (ITPRO)
04/03 Connected Continent, ok al compromesso lettone: roaming semi-abolito dal 2016 (Corriere delle Comunicazioni)
04/03 Privacy? What privacy? EU’s draft law on your data is useless, say digital rights orgs (The Register)
04/03 Leaks Show EU Privacy Reform Being Gutted, Groups Say (Law 360)
04/03 Wolf im Schafspelz: EU-Rat einigt sich auf Verwässerungen der Netzneutralität (Netpolitik.org)
04/03 Protection des données personnelles : le pas en arrière de l’Europe (ZDNet)
04/03 Privacy groups warn the European Council is undermining new data protection laws (IT Pro)
04/03 En Europe, la neutralité du Net se fera attendre (L’Opinion)
05/03 Member states hope to soften data protection in reform talks (EurActiv)
05/03 European Governments Seeking To Water Down EU’s Proposed Data Protection Legislation (techdirt)
05/03 Medienmenü: Kirsten Fiedler (Krautreporter)
05/03 Freedom campaigners warn against EU ministers pushing for 2-speed internet (The Guardian)
05/03 UE : des groupes de défenses de la vie privée exposent leur pessimisme (Developpez.com)
06/03 Outcome of EU privacy debate will affect lives for decades (The Irish Times)
06/03 UE b?dzie gorzej chroni? prywatno??? (Computerworld)
07/03 Germany double-dealing over data legislation, say negotiators (The Irish Time)
07/03 EU-Staaten untergraben die Netzneutralität (Heise Online)
09/03 Keep an eye on you: the EU’s controversial plans to track air passengers (Euronews)
09/03 El ojo europeo que todo lo ve (Euronews)
09/03 “Big Brother” nos céus da Europa: O debate (Euronews)
09/03 Vitatott intézkedés az európai utasok megfigyelésér?l (Euronews)
09/03 Passenger Name Record: la “schedatura” dei passeggeri Ue che fa discutere (Euronews)
09/03 AB’nin yolcular? takibe alan tart??mal? güvenlik paketi (Euronews)
09/03 Fluggastdatenspeicherung: Gläserne Passagiere an Bord (Euronews)
09/03 Lutte contre le terrorisme : le “Passenger Name Record” est-il la solution ? (Euronews)
09/03 Passenger Name Record: full debate (Euronews)
09/03 Privacy advocates worry ahead of EU data protection talks (PCWorld)
11/03 E’ battaglia sul roaming Ue. I socialdemocratici: “Abolirlo subito” (Corriere delle Comunicazioni)
12/03 Proposed changes to data protection rules could affect consumer rights (European Voice)
13/03 EU step up border checks to fight terrorists (Euranet Plus)
15/03 Tentazioni anti-privacy della Ue (Il Sole 24 Ore)
15/03 A European Digital Single Market Is Only Possible if Internet Users Are Heard (EFF)
15/03 Nieuw akkoord over roaming is ook eind aan local breakout (telecompaper)
18/03 We need copyright reform so Belgians can watch cricket, says MEP (The Register)
18/03 Parliament copyright working group too close to business say activists (New Europe)
23/03 [MàJ] Droit d’auteur : l’équilibre du groupe de travail de Cavada mis en cause (Next Impact)
23/03 Secret des affaires: une dangereuse directive européenne (Mediapart)
25/03 The Future is Now: EU Seeks to Digitalize Its Economy (Sputnik International)
26/03 Fluggastdaten: Breite Mobilisierung gegen die Totalüberwachung von Reisenden (Netzpolitik)
13/04 After victory for net neutrality in the US, the battle moves to Europe (ars technica)
13/04 European rights groups make net neutrality push (V3.co.uk)
13/04 European rights groups back net neutrality (Advanced Television)
14/04 La presión de las multinacionales quiere acabar con la neutralidad en la red (Europa abierta – RTVE)
13/04 European rights groups make net neutrality push (v3.co.uk)
14/04 EU net neutrality proposals are ‘incoherent’ and ‘misleading’, say campaigners (Out-law.com)
15/04 Data protection and privacy must be excluded from TTIP (LSE Media Policy Project Blog)
15/04 European cinema fears copyright reform (Euranet)
21/04 Rights groups press European Commission on data protection laws (V3.co.uk)
21/04 EU data protection reform triggers privacy warning (Computerworld)
21/04 EU accused of watering down General Data Protection Regulation (Techworld)
21/04 Privacy, appello a Juncker dalle Ong: “La Commissione rispetti gli impegni” (Corriere delle Comunicazioni)
22/04 Jean-Claude Juncker unter Beschuss: Bürgerrechtler fordern Versprechen zur EU-Datenschutzreform ein (t3n)
22/04 EU data protection reform triggers warning from civil rights groups worldwide (GoodGearGuide)
22/04 ‘Wijzigingen EU DATA Beschermingsregulering gevaarlijk’ (winmag)
22/04 ‘Databescherming wordt niet versterkt, maar juist uitgekleed’ (Computerworld.nl)
22/04 Nová reforma Európskej únie prinesie stratu súkromia, varujú ob?ianskoprávni aktivisti (CYBERSEC.sk)
23/04 Privacy Campaigners Write To Europe Over Data Protection Concerns (misco.co.uk)
27/04 Worldwide: Global Data & Privacy Update – 23 April 2015 (mondaq)
–/04 Le Conseil de l’Union Européenne veut tuer la neutralité du Net : agissons ! (Global Security Mag)
02/05 Das EU-Parlament und die Folgen des NSA-Skandals: Vorsicht mit der IT-Sicherheit (Heise online)
06/05 Could iPlayer access be extended across EU? (The Local)
06/05 Push to stream foreign media sites in Sweden (The Local)
07/05 EU ‘racing to catch up’ with Digital Single Market plan (Euractiv)
07/05 European digital strategy ‘could boost public services’ (Public Technology)
07/05 Digital Single Market, si teme l’ingorgo legislativo (Corriere delle Comunicazioni)
11/05 Wir müssen besonders aufpassen, dass Menschenrechte offline ebenso wie online gelten und respektiert werden. (SPD #DigitalLEBEN)
17/05 Mercato unico digitale, la strategia dell’Ue (Il Sole 24 Ore)
18/05 Le Danemark demande à Google et consorts de l’aider contre le piratage (EurActiv)
19/05 Facebook faces fight with digital rights group over Internet.org net neutrality concerns (V3.co.uk)
19/05 Facebook: Internet.org viola derechos de libertad y privacidad (El Comercio)
19/05 Internet.org de Facebook pondría en riesgo neutralidad de la red, advierten (Vanguardia)
20/05 Facebook’s Internet.org slammed by critics who claim the project ‘violates the principles of free speech and privacy’ (Mail Online)
20/05 Digital rights news from 2025 (boingboing)
20/05 Internet.org vive sus semanas más turbulentas (TeleSemana.com)
20/05 Diskriminierung im Netz ist durch nichts zu rechtfertigen (Netzpolitik.org)
20/05 Zurück aus der Zukunft : Digital Rights News von 2025 (Netzpolitik.org)
20/05 Il vecchio continente in cerca della connessione universale (Il Manifesto)
21/05 67 instituciones contra Facebook por violar los derechos de los usuarios con Internet.org (PORTALTIC)
22/05 Un total de 65 grupos de 31 países publican una carta abierta a Mark Zuckerberg sobre los riesgos de Internet.Org (teinteresa.es)
22/05 Carta abierta a Mark Zuckerberg sobre los riesgos de Internet.Org (europa press)
22/05 Net neutrality faces unwilling Council negotiators (EurActiv)
26/05 EU-Debatte: Kein Kompromiss über Netzneutralität und Roaming in Sicht (heise online)
26/05 Digitaler Binnenmarkt: So will die EU den Durchbruch schaffen (TECHTAG)
26/05 Nyvalgt Europa-Parlament skal tage kampen op med NSA-overvågning (information.dk)
27/05 EU net neutrality could kneecap the Tories’ opt-out pr0n filter plans (The Register)
27/05 EU-Streit: Regierungen gegen Netzneutralität und Roaming-Aus (derStandard.at)
28/05 Lajm i fundit: EDRI i shkruan letër Kryetarit të Parlamentit të Kosovës (#NdalPergjimitRKS)
29/05 European Parliament Trade Committee Tries To Defuse TTIP Controversy But Outcome Remains Uncertain (Intellectual Property Watch)
29/05 EU weer strenger over netneutraliteit en roaming – Reuters (telecompaper)
02/06 Internet.org es denunciado (tecnonews)
03/06 MEPs, Council still deadlocked over EU telco laws (The Register)
05/06 Facebook Inc. Answer To Critics Of Internet.org (BIDNESS ETC)
05/06 The new Digital Single Market Strategy lacks ambition (Europe’s World)
11/06 Buchtipps in Sachen Big Brother (bookbytes)
15/06 Wetsvoorstel bescherming persoonsgegevens is ‘stap achteruit’ (de Volkskrant)
15/06 European Ministers Agree To Disagree On Data Protection Reform (TechCrunch)
15/06 EU Council pushes data-privacy reform forward (COMPUTERWORLD)
15/06 EU-Minister beschließen Datenschutzreform (T-online)
15/06 EU-Datenschutzreform: Zweckbindung und Datensparsamkeit ausgehebelt (heise online)
15/06 Europese Raad gaat akkoord met voorstel Europese Databeschermingswet (Executive-People)
16/06 Europa unita sull’e-privacy: stretta su diritto all’oblio e uso improprio dei dati (Corriere delle Comunicazioni)
16/06 European Parliament Committee Copyright, Trade Secret Votes (IP Watch)
16/06 UE, verso un’unica privacy? (Punto Informatico)
16/06 Nächster Schritt zum EU-weit einheitlichen Datenschutz (Datenschutz Praxis)
17/06 Russia data law to cost billions, silence dissent (EUObserver)
17/06 Lobby in Europa zorgt voor absurd internetbeleid (fd.)
18/06 TTIP – Why the world shoul beware (http://rosalux-europa.info)
19/06 Privacy e copyright, l’Europa alla ricerca dell’Unione digitale (La Repubblica)
19/06 Günther Oettinger und die Lobbyisten: Der Telekommissar (Spiegel Online)
22/06 Päätös tuomioistuimelta: Uutissivusto on vastuullinen anonyymeistä kommenteista (Markkinointi & Mainonta)
23/06 EU-Abgeordnete knicken bei Netzneutralität ein (heise Netze)
24/06 Oettinger trifft vor allem Netzbetreiber-Lobbyisten (Computer Base)
24/06 Medienversammlung der LfM – Gleiches Netz für alle (InfoDigital)
24/06 So umwerben Lobbyisten den EU- Digitalkommissar (Kronen Zeitung)
24/06 Gleich schlechte Standards (taz.de)
25/06 Oettinger meets almost exclusively with corporate lobbies, report shows (Euractiv)
25/06 Europe: The Next Front in the Battle for Net Neutrality (EFF)
26/06 Now It’s Europe’s Turn to Fight For Net Neutrality (Gizmodo)
27/06 L’inventeur de la “neutralité du net” alerte l’Europe (Numerama)
29/06 European net neutrality under threat, warn rights groups (v3.co.uk)
30/06 EU plans to destroy net neutrality by allowing Internet fast lanes (ars technica)
30/06 Accordo sulla net neutrality, nella Ue si apre l’era dell’open Internet (Corriere delle Comunicazioni)
30/06 Europe agrees to scrap roaming charges while paving way for ‘internet fast lane’ (Guardian)
30/06 Net neutrality, prime bocciature: “Troppe eccezioni alla regola” (Corriere delle Comunicazioni)
30/06 EU Agrees to Scrap Roaming Charges, Enshrine Net Neutrality” (The Wall Street Journal)
30/06 “Arrivederci roaming”. Finalmente l’Europa cancella la tassa sui cellulari all’estero (e sceglie la net neutrality) (Che Futuro!)
30/06 Net neutrality, prime bocciature: “Troppe eccezioni alla regola” (Corriere delle Comunicazioni)
30/06 UE acuerda abolir el “roaming” en 2017 (Canal Sur, Andalusian Public News Agency)
30/06 The EU decides on net neutrality rules, but not everyone is happy with it (The 42)
30/06 EU Backs Diluted Net Neutrality Law (Nasdaq)
30/06 UE, data di scadenza per il roaming (Punto Informatico)
30/06 Roaming abolito da giugno 2017. Ora la palla passa ai big telefonici (Il Fatto Quotidiano)
30/06 EU plans to end roaming and ensure Net neutrality (New Europe)
30/06 Los operadores piden que el fin del “roaming” no distorsione los mercados nacionales (eldiario.es)
30/06 Un cheval de Troie menaçant la neutralité du Net caché par l’Europe (20 minutes)
30/06 Europa crea dos tipos de Internet y dice NO a la neutralidad de la red (microno)
30/06 EU-beslut ger oro för gräddfil på nätet (Dagens Nyheter)
30/06 Roaming abolito da giugno 2017. Ora la palla passa ai big telefonici (Il Fatto Quotidiano)
30/06 Die Netzneutralität wird de facto abgeschafft (futurezone)
30/06 Net neutrality, prime “bocciature”: “Troppe eccezioni alla regola” (Cor.Com)
01/07 ‘Watered down’ net neutrality rules could mean ‘almost anything’ (The Register)
01/07 La UE retrasa dos años y medio el fin del ‘roaming’ (El Correo)
01/07 Trägt die EU das neutrale Internet jetzt zu Grabe? (Krone Zeitung)
02/07 Edri: “L’Italia è fuori legge sulla data retention” (Corriere delle Comunicazioni)
03/07 POLITICO Pro’s Morning Tech: Freedom of panorama — Right to fast broadband — Data retention (Politico)
03/07 European Digital Rights ruft EU-Kommission auf, illegale Gesetze zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung in der EU zu prüfen (Netzpolitik)
06/07 Data retention, l’Italia è un cattivo esempio (Punto Informatico)
07/07 Qué derechos digitales están en juego con el TTIP (eldiario.es)
08/07 EU telecoms reforms take leap forward (POLITICO)
08/07 European Parliament Decides In Favour Of TTIP Mandate And “New ISDS” (IP Watch)
09/07 Europa se prepara para aprovar projeto que garante neutralidade da rede (Boa Informação)
09/07 Europe prepares to enforce its take on net neutrality (PC World)
10/07 Europe prepares to enforce its take on net neutrality (CIO New Zealand)
10/07 Neutralidade da Internet na UE agrada a activistas (Computerworld Portugal)
15/07 Europe a step closer to keeping records on all passengers flying in and out of the Continent (The Register)
15/07 EU air passenger data retention system ready for take-off, says Parliament (CIO)
15/07 EDRi asks European Commission to examine data retention laws in the EU (Lexology)
15/07 Neutralidade da Internet pouco discutida (Computerworld Portugal)
15/07 ¡Cuidado! El TTIP también revisa los derechos digitales (Revista Cloud Computing)
16/07 EU air passenger data retention system ready for take-off, says Parliament (ComputerWorld UK)
22/07 Unia Europejska chce bez rozg?osu zagwarantowa? neutralno?? sieci (Computerworld.pl)
28/07 Facebook Shifts Focus With Internet.org (Tech Week Europe)
29/07 Microsoft’s new privacy policy and Windows 10 troubleshooter to stop automatic updates (Network World)
30/07 Windows 10: Neue Datenschutzbestimmungen – Windows wird zur Datensammelstelle (Heise)
30/07 Die neun größten Probleme bei Windows 10 (Welt)
30/07 Bürgersicherheit in Spanien: Gesetzentwurf nicht besser als Maßnahmen in China (Netzpolitik.org)
31/07 Windows 10 reaction: Microsoft takes the good with the bad (Silicon Beat)
31/07 Microsoft – Warning personal data abuse will follow the installation (linkedin.com/pulse)
01/08 Nach Installation an Datenschutz denken (N24)
01/08 Windows 10: Microsoft under attack over privacy (The Guardian)
02/08 Microsoft under attack over privacy (Gulf News)
02/08 Windows 10 uudistaa käyttöehdot – Kasvi: ”Suomalaiset naiiveja tietosuojan suhteen” (YLE)
02/08 Microsoft under fire over collecting user data in new Windows 10 (IBN Live)
03/08 Microsoft comes under fire for Windows 10 default settings (IT Pro Portal)
03/08 Windows 10 hit by privacy concerns (FT)
03/08 Das sind die neun grössten Probleme mit Windows 10 (Handelszeitung)
03/08 Microsoft: Tietoja kerätään vain suostumuksella (YLE)
03/08 Tekikö Microsoft pahan virheen Windows 10:ssä? (digitoday.fi)
03/08 If you installed Windows 10 and like privacy, you checked the defaults, right? Oh dear (The Register)
03/08 Windows 10: It’s not really free (siliconangle)
03/08 CNPD: “Dateschutzreegele vun Amazon si legitim” (Radio 100.7 Luxembourg)
04/08 EFF-led group wants to give do-not-track some bite (PCWorld)
04/08 Is Microsoft reading YOUR emails? Windows 10 may threaten your privacy, watchdogs warn (MailOnline)
04/08 So schützen Sie Ihre Daten bei Windows 10 (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
04/08 Windows 10: Datenschützer kritisieren Microsofts Datensammelwut (ingenieur.de)
04/08 EFF-led group wants to give do-not-track some bite (PCWorld)
04/08 Windows 10 Stokes Privacy, Browser Choice Concerns (eWeek)
05/08 Windows 10 spies on emails, images, credit cards, more (WND)
06/08 Windows 10 – Datensammler mit Startproblemen (shz.de)
08/08 Business and Tech Digest, Windows 10 Wants Your Data, Malwares for Android and Apple, Exploding Battery Packs and Unstealable Bikes (BizTekMojo)
10/08 Windows 10: An operating system that gathers data on everything you do (World Socialist Web Site)
11/08 France adopts controversial surveillance Act (Privacy Laws & Business)
11/08 Verbraucherzentrale: Windows 10 macht Nutzerdaten zur Ware (ZDNet)
11/08 Windows 10 das Spionieren austreiben (t-online.de)
20/08 Dutch head for collision with EU on patient privacy (Politico.eu)
23/08 Estas son las líneas rojas del Parlamento Europeo a la agenda digital del TTIP (eldiario.es)
24/08 Estas son las líneas rojas del Parlamento Europeo a la agenda digital del TTIP (utopos journal)
27/08 Data politics: Do web trackers win votes? (tomorrow.is)
28/08 EU-Datenschutzreform: Industrie lehnt Klausel gegen NSA-Spionage ab (Heise)
03/09 Watch this cartoon on proposed new EU data rules – or you’re DOOMED. Maybe (The Register)
03/09 Windows 10 Nabs Over 5% of Desktop OS Market in a Month (eWeek)
03/09 Watch this cartoon on proposed new EU data rules – or you’re DOOMED. Maybe (The Register)
04/09 Mail app on Windows 10 build 10532 lets you disable ‘conversation view’ (Forex Report Daily)
11/09 La Banque de données de la police nominée aux Big Brother Awards (RTBF)
15/09Politikum: Ein Gespräch mit der Digital-Rights-Aktivistin Kirsten Fiedler über rechte Hetze im Netz (WDR5)
15/09 Views About Internet Turn Negative (The New York Times)
23/09 U.S.-EU Data-Transfer Pact Should Be Invalidated, Says Advocate General (Wall Street Journal)
23/09 US protection of Europeans’ personal data is inadequate, says EU court official (PC World)
23/09 You call THAT safe? Top EU legal bod says data sent to US is anything but (The Register)
23/09 El ‘caso Facebook’ restaría poder a la Comisión en favor de los Estados (El País)
23/09 Facebook, la Corte europea spariglia le carte: “Stati Ue possono bloccare dati” (Cor.Com)
23/09 EU court delas blow to ‘invalid’ US data sharing deal (Tribune)
23/09 U.S.-EY Data Pact should be invalidated, says advocate general (Nasdaq)
24/09 EU Court may follow Advocate’s General urge to suspend data transfer to US (Sputnik)
24/09 Vers la fin de la surveillance généralisée des internautes européens par les Etats-Unis ? (Le Monde Informatique)
29/09 Microsoft Blog reponds to Windows 10 Privacy Criticism (TechWeek Europe)
29/09 Datenschutz unter Windows 10, Microsoft erklärt sich (nzz.ch)
30/09 Les organisations citoyens condamnent la proposition de loi sur la surveillance en masse (Liberation)
30/09 Netizen Report: Will Brazil Give Up on Defending Digital Rights? (Slate)
01/10 CPJ joins call to oppose draft surveillance law in France (CPJ)
02/10 Privacy: ‘Tijd om stil te staan bij het gevoerde veiligheidsbeleid en welke prijs we daarvoor betaalden’ (Knack.be)
05/10 Data watchdog’s ‘blind trust’ criticised by German regulators (Irish Times)
06/10 ECJ strikes down beleaguered Safe Harbour data sharing with US (Euractiv)
06/10 5 takeaways from the death of safe harbor (Politico)
06/10 Safe harbour ruling: RELAX, Facebook and Google will be FINE! (The Register)
06/10 ‘Safe harbour’ ruling illustrates growing chasm between US and EU (The Guardian)
06/10 Le cadre légal du transfert de données vers les Etats-Unis invalidé par la Cour européenne de justice (L’Usine Digitale)
06/10 European Court Strikes Major Blow To Silicon Valley (Think Progress)
06/10 Fifteen years late, Safe Harbor hits the rocks (EUbusiness)
06/10 Facebook goes into space: Firm is building a satellite to beam internet across Africa (MailOnline)
06/10 Facebook sieht sich nicht betroffen (golem.de)
06/10 Fahrplan zur Netzneutralität: EU-Parlament am Zug (Netzpolitik.org)
06/10 Mancanza di protezione dei dati in Usa, Ue: “Continuare trasferimento con giuste tutele” (eunews.it)
06/10 Corte Ue: “Usa non garantiscono privacy”. Nel mirino Facebook & co. (Cor.com)
07/10 Ireland’s role as EU’s chief privacy regulator in spotlight (Financial Times)
07/10 La relación comercial entre la UE y EE UU, en estado crítico (El Pais)
07/10 Data Transfer Pact Between U.S. and Europe Is Ruled Invalid (The New York Times)
07/10 La confusa propuesta sobre “Neutralidad de la Red” llega al Parlamento Europeo (El Periodico de Canarias)
07/10 Endnu en privatlivs-aktivist sejrer over systemet (Information.dk)
08/10 Új korszak kezd?dhet az interneten (Sg.hu)
08/10 Privacy, Corte Ue: “Usa non garantiscono protezione dei dati personali” (blognotizie.info)
12/10 Google should ‘inform more’ on right to be forgotten (EUobserver)
19/10 Isis: EU vote on anti-Islamist recruitment laws slammed as ‘nonsensical online censorship’ (IBTimes)
21/10 How an Austrian student sent the tech sector into a tailspin (The Irish Times)
22/10 Europe’s ‘Net Neutrality’ Could Allow Torrent and VPN Throttling (Torrent Freak)
22/10 How an Austrian student sent the tech sector into a tailspin (The Irish Times)
26/10 Zo probeert Facebook de Europese politiek te beïnvloeden (NRC.NL)
26/10 Entscheidungstag für die Netzneutralität: Europa muss beweisen, dass es Politik ohne Lücken machen kann (WIRED.de)
26/10 Europe Vote Threatens Net Neutrality. Help Save the Open Internet (The Huffington Post)
26/10 Is the future of Europe’s Internet in danger? (Deutsche Welle)
26/10 Zo probeert Facebook de Europese politiek te beïnvloeden (nrc.nl)
26/10 EDRi pede clarificações sobre neutralidade de rede (ComputerWorld.com.pt)
26/10 Entscheidung gegen die Netzneutralität: Europa hat leider Politik mit Lücken gemacht (Wired)
27/10 EU parliament set to vote on net neutrality rules (BBC)
27/10 Game over for real net neutrality? European Parliament votes in favor of disappointingly weak rules (Tech.eu)
27/10 The European Parliament just dealt a major blow to net neutrality (Bussiness Insider)
27/10 Parliament rejects amendments protecting net neutrality (The Verge)
27/10 ¿Victoria de los usuarios o de la industria? (El Pais)
27/10 EU deals major blow to net neutrality (The Times of India)
27/10 EU abolishes roaming charges, but may have just hurt net neutrality (Mashable)
27/10 El Parlamento Europeo abre la puerta a la privatización de Internet (Publico)
27/10 EU parliament set to vote on net neutrality rules (PCTech Magazine)
27/10 European Parliament votes against net neutrality amendments (BBC)
27/10 Auf die Nutzer und Regulierer kommt es an (Golem.de)
27/10 EU vote for ‘neutral’ net plan draws sharp criticism (CIO)
27/10 European Parliament rejects net neutrality amendments (IT pro)
27/10 European Parliament Votes For Net Neutrality (Cloud Tweaks)
27/10 Tim Berners-Lee, Tech Companies, And NGOs Call On EU Parliament To Fix Net Neutrality Loopholes (tom’sHARDWARE)
27/10 Is the future of Europe’s Internet in danger? (DW)
27/10 EU trækker en streg i sandet: Slut med at blive mobil-flået efter ferien (Viden)
27/10 EU-Parlament beschließt zweideutige Netzneutralitäts-Verordnung – Jetzt entscheiden Gerichte und Regulierungsbehörden (ITPRESS)
27/10 Network neutrality landmark: European Parliament voted new legislation (Storm.mg)
27/10 Parlamento Europeu rejeita emendas para neutralidade (Computerworld)
27/10 Europski Parlament izglasao internet za bogate i internet za siromasne (Index.hr)
28/10 Europarlement neemt wazige beslissing over netneutraliteit (Knack.be)
28/10 Parliament green lights roaming and net neutrality (EurActiv)
28/10 Netzneutralität: Beschluss des EU-Parlaments lässt viele Fragen offen (Heise Online)
29/10 As police seize Newsnight laptop, concerns grow at reach of UK counter-terrorism measures (CPJ)
29/10 Obywatele przeciwko inteligentnym granicom (tokfm.pl)
30/10 Simona Levi: «Ser un alertador de la corrupció és un accident (Nacio Digital)
30/10 Türkiye’ye çifte özgürlük uyar?s? (BBCTurkce.com)
31/10 “Democracy: Im Rausch der Daten” – der Weg zur EU-Datenschutzreform als Lehrstück (irights.info/)
31/10 Una delegación del Free Culture Forum es recibida por la alcaldesa de Barcelona Ada Colau (AraInfo)
01/11 Free Culture Forum: La red como territorio radicalmente democrático (Publico.es)
01/11 Mégis jön a kétsebességes internet? (Lumens.hu)
03/11 Europe, Still Angry at U.S. Spying, Prepares to Increase Its Own (The Intercept)
04/11 Schwangere Daten (ORF.at)
05/11 The EU rules on network neutrality: key provisions, remaining concerns (European Parliament)
06/11 ENDitorial: Die Reform der EU-Datenschutzverordnung – eine vergebene Chance? (netzpolitik.org)
14/11 Democracy: the film that gets behind the scenes of the European privacy debate (The Guardian)
16/11 Golem: Ein Wiesel für ein modernes Urheberrecht (Golem.de)
16/11 Rights activists and small ISPs form telecoms lobby group (Politico.eu)
16/11 Digitaler Binnenmarkt: #NetCompetition will Wettbewerb erhalten (Netzpolitik.org)
16/11 Netzpolitischer Wochenrückblick KW 45 & 46: Im Rausch der Daten (Netzpolitik.org)
16/11 Small telcos and consumer groups team up against former monopolies (EurActiv)
16/11 Chile, puerto inseguro (elmostrador.cl)
17/11 Small telcos and consumer groups team up against former monopolies (EurActiv.com)
NetCompetition alliance calls for more competitive broadband (telecompaper)
18/11 NetCompetition bietet ehemaligen Monopolen die Stirn (EurActiv.de)
18/11 Software-Klassiker XP-Antispy ist zurück (T Online)
18/11 Fre*****, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit (DRadio Wissen)
19/11 Competition Markets Authority warns EU panel that greater online platform regulation could “have a detrimental effect on the development of markets” (Lexocology.com)
20/11 NetCompetition alliantie wil meer concurrentie in breedband (Telecompaper.com)
20/11 EU Council Pushes For Collection Of Flight Passenger Data After Paris Attacks (Eurasia Review)
23/11 Europäisches 9/11 (swr.de)
25/11 Europe’s digital rights debate nearing the finishing line (Malta Today)
25/11 Statement by GUE/NGL MEP Barbara Spinelli on the prevention of radicalisation report vote (barbara-spinelli.it)
26/11 MEPs want to make internet companies liable for radical content online (EurActiv)
26/11 Kühlen Kopf bewahren (ORF.at)
26/11 Radicalizzazione violenta: i rischi della politica della paura (barbara-spinelli.it)
26/11 Freiheit oder Sicherheit (ORF.at)
01/12 EU-Initiative gegen Radikalismus im Netz (ORF.at)
01/12 Freedom of expression in the digital sphere (the Law Societies Brussels Agenda, December 2015)
03/12 Unión Europea: luchar por la transparencia para una democracia plena (publico.es)
04/12 Washington Internet Daily (page 11) (Washington Internet Daily)
04/12 3sat Kulturzeit: Wohin führt die Angst? (3sat Kulturzeit)
04/12 EU-Kommission und Internet-Unternehmen: Terrorpropaganda und Hetze sollen schnell aus dem Netz (heise.de)
05/12 Filtern, abblocken, Hintertür einbauen (taz.de)
05/12 La UE pide el compromiso de los gigantes informáticos para luchar contra la “radicalización online” (eldiario.es)
05/12 EU will Internet von schädlichen Inhalten reinigen” (mmnews.de)
09/12 EU counter-terror bill is ‘indiscriminate data collection’ (EUobserver)
09/12 Prueba de fuego para el registro europeo de datos de pasajeros aéreos (el Periodico)
16/12 This company has a compelling argument why mobile carriers may never be able to roll out ad blocking in Europe (Business Insider)
16/12 Certain Sections of Proposed European Data Protection Law Remain Unclear (Sputniknews.com)
16/12 Die Internetwirtschaft ist beruhigend unzufrieden (Zeit Online)
16/12 Zwischen Bürokratiemonster und starken Verbraucherrechten (futurezone.at)
17/12 People aren’t happy with Europe’s tough new rules for data protection (Business Insider Australia)
17/12 Washington Internet Daily (page 7) (Washington Internet Daily)
17/12 EU Data Protection Deal Confirmed: Overview, Next Steps (Forbes)
18/12 Councils uncertain over effect of European Union General Data Protection Regulation fines (Publictechnology.net)