

By EDRi · December 11, 2009

The European Civil Society Data Protection Award (ECSDPA) is a joint
initiative launched in 2010 by AEDH (European Association for the
Defence of Human rights) and EDRI (European Digital Rights), with the
support of LSTS/VUB (the Law Science Technology & Society Research
Group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and deBuren (The Flemish-
Dutch House for Culture and Debat).

The prize aims at rewarding positive initiatives contributing to the
visibility and effectiveness of right to privacy and to the
protection of personal data in Europe. The ECSDPA prize will be
awarded each year on 28 January, as a European Civil Society
contribution to the Data Protection Day.

The ECSDPA aims at rewarding positive initiatives contributing to the
visibility and effectiveness of right to privacy and to the
protection of personal data in Europe. By yearly honouring
outstanding achievements in the field, it wishes to enhance public
awareness, stimulate creative and constructive input, and favour
useful exchanges of information at the European level.

Non-governmental organisations, trade unions, non-profit institutions
and any other civil society actor of the 47 Council of Europe member
States are invited to participate by submitting their applications.

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