
An introduction to Data Protection

By EDRi · January 30, 2013

This article is also available in:
Deutsch: [Einführung in den Datenschutz |]

EDRi launched the booklet “An introduction to Data Protection” on 28
January 2013, the European Data Protection day.

The booklet is intended to provide an overview of some of the key issues
and jargon surrounding data protection in the digital environment: from
“what is personal data” to anonymisation, profiling, big data and cloud

At its core, data protection is about preserving a fundamental right
that is reflected in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European
Union, Council of Europe Convention 108, as well as other international
agreements and national constitutions.

The processing and re-use of citizens’ data has become increasingly
important from an economic perspective. It has lead to pressure to
weaken this fundamental right and also to change the legislative
framework to make legal protections less predictable.

EDRi hopes that this document will be a positive contribution to the
debate, and that the outcome of the review process will ensure
predictable and proportionate protection of privacy in the digital age –
reinforcing the European Union’s global leadership on this topic.

The booklet is available under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 licence,
allowing thus furthers translations and free dissemination.

An introduction to Data Protection (01.2013)