Report about ID conference in London

By EDRi · June 2, 2004

Advocates, politicians and lawyers from across the political spectrum met in London on 19 May 2004 to debate UK ID card legislation. EDRi members Privacy International and FIPR organised the meeting, which heard resounding criticism of the government’s ID card plans.

Highlights included the Shadow Home Secretary asking “how on earth can ID cards prevent terrorism if foreign visitors can wander around the streets for three months”, alongside the Assistant Information Commissioner’s concerns that “a whole identity system is being proposed for the UK”.

The meeting also saw the launch of the No2ID campaign. Privacy International, FIPR, Liberty, Stand, the Liberal Democratic party, the 1990 Trust and Statewatch are co-ordinating their opposition to the ID card plans, and are planning to derail the government’s legislation when it is introduced later this year.

No2ID campaign
(Contribution by Ian Brown, FIPR)