New members join EDRI
During the annual general assembly of EDRI-members on 12 June 2004 in Berlin, Germany, two new members were admitted, both from Germany. The Netzwerk Neue Medien (network new media) is a digital civil rights organisation that aims to strengthen and critically analyse the public debate about socio-political aspects of the new media. In February 2003 NNM transformed from an informal network to a formal association.
The FIfF (Forum InformatikerInnen fuer Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung e.V., or Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility) was founded in 1984 and wants computer science to help shape a world that is worth living in. FIfF has about 800 individual and institutional members, organised in both thematic and regional groups. The forum publishes the critical computer quarterly ‘FIFF-Kommunikation’ (in German).
EDRI also elected a new board of 5 people. The board members elected Ian Brown (FIPR – UK) as president, Rikke Frank Jorgensen (Digital Rights – Denmark) as vice-president and Andreas Krisch (VIBE!AT – Austria) as treasurer. Lena Nalbach (Quintessenz – Austria) and Sjoera Nas (Bits of Freedom – the Netherlands) were elected as general board members.
FIfF website
NNM website