EU to promote research track & trace technology

By EDRi · February 27, 2004

According to a new Communication on the research into security, the European Commission plans to fund research on “tagging, tracking and tracing devices … that improve the capability to locate, identify and follow the movement of mobile assets, goods and persons”.

The Commission announces the launch of a new funding program entitled ‘Enhancement of the European industrial potential in the field of Security research 2004 – 2006’.

The program is a so-called ‘Preparatory Action’. It should set the agenda for advanced security research from 2007 onwards. The action is funded with 15 million Euro in 2004 and approx. 65 million Euro overall.

Among the goals of the research is the improvement of ‘situation awareness’. Relevant issues for the different projects are identified as “(…) Demonstration of the appropriateness and acceptability of tagging, tracking and tracing devices by static and mobile multiple sensors that improve the capability to locate, identify and follow the movement of mobile assets, goods and persons, including smart documentation (e.g. biometrics, automatic chips with positioning) and data analysis techniques (remote control and access).”

A call for proposals will be published ‘toward the end of March 2004’.

Commission Communication COM 2004/72 (03.02.2004)

Analysis Statewatch

(Contribution by Andreas Krisch, EDRI-member VIBE!AT)