Online map of cameras in Zürich, Switzerland
The organising committee of the Big Brother Awards Switzerland has published a map of more than 70 video surveillance cameras in a city district of Zurich (Switzerland). The map was presented on the occasion of a public camera-spotting walk on 10 April 2004, that was organised as part of the annual ‘Spring surveillance’ events.
Most of the cameras are installed by private entities, some of them are dummies. The cameras are categorised by a special typology. The map can also be downloaded as a PDF file. Previously, in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, several cities were mapped.
Online surveillance map Zurich
Map Brussels
Map 13 German cities, including Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Stuttgart
Spotthecam (Innercity Amsterdam)
Map Heerlen (Netherlands)
(Contribution by Christoph Mueller, Big Brother Awards Switzerland)