Petition update: over 55.500 signatures

By EDRi · November 3, 2005

The EDRI and XS4ALL petition against data retention has attracted over 55.500 signatures, of which over 20.000 from the Netherlands (where the campaign was launched), over 6.500 from Germany and almost 6.000 from Finland. Runners-up in the daily country count are Bulgaria (over 3.000), Sweden and Spain (over 2.000 each), Austria (over 1.750). France, the UK, Italy, Belgium, the United States and Slovenia have each contributed over a 1.000 signatures.

Currently, 81 organisations and companies have signed in support of the petition. The petition is available in 21 languages, with Portugese as the last addition.

The campaign continues to invite last-minute signatures and support. The petition will be offered to the European Parliament before the end of November.


Petition WIKI