DVD circumvention device released in Ireland
SlySoft, a company registered in Ireland, has released software that
allows users to convert their own DVDs to formats they can watch on
mobile phones, Playstation Portables, video iPods and similar devices.
This is one of the first examples seen in the wild of a “circumvention
device” which bypasses the copy restriction technology contained in the
DVD format – something that is illegal under the Irish law
transposing the European Union Copyright Directive of 2001.
Those publishing DVDs now have the right to sue SlySoft for copyright
infringement. Will they risk the bad publicity and possibility that
Irish courts might set a precedent not to their liking?
SlySoft Software
Guide to the EU Copyright Directive
Irish copyright law
http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/ZZA28Y2000.html (s.370)
(Contribution by EDRI board member Ian Brown)