Join our bootcamp and Reclaim Your Face
Reclaim Your Face is expanding to different cities in Europe. To support this growth we are launching a bootcamp to train volunteers and expand the fight against biometric mass surveillance.
Last year we demonstrated that people do not want to be surveilled and that there is a growing movement of people and organisations who believe that everyone should be able to enjoy human and digital rights. It is no surprise then that since the launch of this campaign we have received messages asking us: “How can I help?”.
So here’s how: join our bootcamp and be part of the Reclaim Your Face movement!
After months of careful coordination with our Reclaim Your Face Partners, we are ready to build a crew of digital rights volunteers and activists who can use their skills to fight for a BAN on Biometric Mass Surveillance with us.
To do this, we are launching a Reclaim Your Face bootcamp and we are looking for you!
ANYONE can apply to become a digital rights activist, as long as you:
- Have access to a community of potential signatories (EU nationals)
- Are committed to helping the Reclaim Your Face campaign reach its goal of banning biometric mass surveillance in the EU
- Are willing to spend 3 hours in an online workshop (probably on 25 February 2022) and further time to collect a minimum of 50 signatures
- Have a high degree of awareness of human rights
While not a criteria of eligibility, we strongly encourage individuals who meet the following profile to apply:
- member of a community affected by biometric mass surveillance (person of colour, queer, living in a marginalised neighborhood, member of a religious community, sex worker, person with disability, member of football association)
- students, parents, activists, and EU Bubble interns
- people connected to grassroots movements / civil society / online communities /student or intern networks / local interest groups
Does this sound like you? Then, this is your time to shine!
We will give you the opportunity to be trained (for free!) in the topic of Biometric Mass Surveillance.
The bootcamp will consist of different workshops with experts from EDRi’s and our partner’s networks. Workshops will give you exclusive insights into the work of digital rights experts, how to collect paper signatures, and what the EU’s legislation so called the Artificial Intelligence Act says. By the end of the bootcamp, you will be ready to talk about the different features of biometric mass surveillance technology, the case studies that demonstrate existing harmful uses of this technology in Europe and why it is important for the EU to BAN it.
By taking part in this bootcamp, you will get the chance to connect with people like you who are interested in similar issues across Europe and learn about the work that our partners are doing in your country or city. The bootcamp is only the beginning of the networks you will be part of!
People who attend and complete this training can also win a trip to Brussels* to meet our amazing team and learn from the work that we do in policy and campaigns on all digital rights topics!
Apply here before the 22nd of February and get ready to Reclaim Your Face!