Join us in the European Parliament to #SaveYourInternet!
After more than 3 years of debates, the decisive moment to ensure that upload filters are not imposed in the European Union (EU) has arrived. In the following weeks (date to be confirmed), the European Parliament (EP) will be voting on the copyright Directive. In its current form, article 13 of the copyright Directive would lead to the imposition of upload filters on the majority of online services you use. Despite wide criticism from all parts of society, the resulting text on Article 13 is the worst we have read so far and EU citizens will need to speak up to stop it by asking to reject upload filters in the copyright Directive.
This is why we are launching a travel grant for activists willing to travel, meet with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and ask them to vote against upload filters.
What would the grant cover?
* The grant would cover travel costs of up to 350€ (including local transport in Strasbourg/Brussels) plus accommodation costs of up to 50€ per night (max. two nights).
* The grants will be given on a first come, first served basis. However, we will select applicants based on their advocacy experience, civil society background and knowledge of the issues at stake.
* If you don’t have the capacity to pay in advance, we could arrange buying the ticket and book the rooms for you (exceptionally).
Who is eligible for the grants?
Any individual or organisation representing civil society/human rights interests with ideally (but not necessary) some experience meeting with policy makers and with extensive knowledge of what Article 13 implies for human rights online.
Will I get advice on how to conduct the meetings and whom to meet?
Yes. We will organise a workshop the day before for those with less experience in advocacy at the EU level.
I’m ready to help! How can I request a grant?
Submit an email before 15 March to diego.naranjo [at] with “SYI-grants” in the subject line indicating:
- Your organisation (if any) and your advocacy experience on digital rights from a civil society perspective
- A short (max. 300 words) statement on why you want to join us in Strasbourg and what are the key problems with Article 13 of the copyright Directive
- How many people will come from your organisation would like to be covered by the grant (max. two persons per submission)
You will be notified as soon as possible of the success of your application so you can arrange your trips and accommodation. Once this is done, we will arrange a mandatory get-together in Strasbourg/Brussels with all the activists to prepare the meetings with MEPs (exceptions can be made for participants with proven extensive advocacy experience).
Read more:
Press Release: – Citizens set to prevent upload filters in the EU
Pledge 2019 Campaign Website
EDRi member
Upload Filters: history and next steps [20.02.2019]
All you need to know about copyright and EDRi [15.03.2019]