Our work
EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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Data Protection Reform – Next stop: e-Privacy Directive
Did you think the data protection reform was finished? Think again. Once the agreement on the texts of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Directive for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEDP) was reached, the e-Privacy Directive took its place as the next piece of European Union (EU) law that will be reviewed. […]
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EU consultation on “Intellectual Property Rights” enforcement – Have your say!
Injunctions, internet blocking, blackmailing of individuals accused of unauthorised peer-to-peer filesharing – the so-called IPRED Directive has been very controversial. Now, the European Commission has launched a consultation on the Directive (whose full name is Directive 2004/48/EC on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRED) in the online environment). The consultation is of great importance […]
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Possible Voters’ Registry Breach raise Privacy Issues in Macedonia
The return to democracy in Macedonia has been marred by the need to solve political and human rights issues. The right to privacy has been at the centre of the political crisis, and state institutions undergoing reform struggle to meet the standards set by the Law on Personal Data Protection. From February to May 2015, […]
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2015 Internet Report on Turkey released
The Alternative Informatics Association released its yearly report about the Internet in Turkey. Entitled “State of the Art Report of the Internet in Turkey – 2015,” the report is dedicated to the memory of Özgür Uçkan, who passed away in 2015. He was a founding member of the AIA and a devoted defender of rights […]
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Data Protection Lobbyotomy Part 1: Influencing the Dutch government
The new European data protection regulation is the most lobbied piece of legislation in Europe because the subject is very important and touches upon almost every aspect of our daily lives. Therefore, Bits of Freedom used the Dutch freedom of information act to ask the government to publicise all the lobby documents they received on […]
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Transparent consumers – a report by Bits of Freedom
Data brokers follow everything you do. What you buy, where you live, what you like and what this information says about you. They sell profiles based on this information to other companies. Starting last summer, Bits of Freedom conducted research with Dutch online newspaper De Correspondent as part of the ‘Quantified society’ programme. We looked […]
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The tales of Facebook’s jurisdiction: Nudes, Cookies and Schrems
Which law governs Facebook activities? Can any Facebook user bring a case against the social media platform anywhere in the European Union? These are some of the questions that are starting to be resolved in 2016, 12 years after the launch of Facebook. As everyone probably knows, Facebook legally established its non-US headquarters in Ireland. […]
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Press Release: Rights must not be abandoned in trade negotiations
Internet users are not being properly involved or even heard by trade negotiators. This has to change. European Digital Rights (EDRi) has joined forces with an international coalition of experts, scholars, groups representing Internet users, consumers and businesses to make this change happen. We are calling for reform of trade negotiations in order to protect […]
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Romanian cybersecurity law reloaded
In January last year, the Romanian Constitutional Court declared the cybersecurity law unconstitutional in its entirety. Details of the content of the law and the (lack of) transparency of the decision-making process have been previously covered on the EDRi website (for reference see here and here). This year, a new cybersecurity law proposal has been […]
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Holland and India prohibit zero-rating: the first of many?
The principle of net neutrality requires that internet access providers carry data without discrimination on the basis of origin, destination or type of data. Net neutrality prohibits telecoms operators from blocking or degrading content applications or services. From a telecom operator’s perspective, the goal is to move away from the “any-to-any” principle that is a […]
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MTE v. Hungary: the ECtHR rules again on intermediary liability
On 2 February 2016, the Fourth Section of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) came back in judging on the matter of intermediary liability. In ‘MTE and Index v. Hungary’, the ECtHR held that freedom of expression as recognised in Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights was violated. The court had […]
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David Kaye calls on companies to defend freedom of expression
The United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur David Kaye on freedom of opinion and expression is conducting a project on the “responsibilities of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector to protect and promote freedom of expression in the digital age”. The UN Special Rapporteur made a call for input to help him identify actors with […]
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