Our work
EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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Danish Ministry of Culture: Danes should be regulated by Google
In 2012, ACTA was rejected by the European Parliament with an overwhelming majority, not least due to its proposals to allow private law enforcement by foreign internet companies. Despite this, on 8 May 2015, the Danish Ministry of Culture presented a “Code of Conduct” agreement with a number of internet intermediaries, which in many respects […]
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Startups for Net Neutrality
The future of our open Internet is at risk. Current EU developments creating the risk of allowing large Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to make the internet less open and less free. “Startups for Net Neutrality” believes that the beauty of the Internet is that everybody with a laptop and an Internet connection can change the […]
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Net Neutrality – building on success
[This post is published jointly with Access] Tomorrow, the European Parliament will decide whether or not it supports a proposal for anti-Net Neutrality legislation (PDF – last publicly available document) advanced by the representatives of the EU member states (“the Council of the EU”). For the past few months, the Latvian presidency of the Council […]
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Parliament Committee adopts a disappointing position on TTIP
The European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade (INTA) adopted this morning a position on the planned “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” (TTIP) between the United States and the European Union. “We are delighted with the campaigning activity surrounding this vote,” said Joe McNamee, Executive Director of European Digital Rights. “It is clear that Europe’s citizens will […]
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Parental Controls: Lawless blocking/filtering as part of “net neutrality”?
At the request of the United Kingdom, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and European Parliament appear ready to adopt – in the context, ironically, of measures that are supposed to protect net neutrality – provisions which are meant to allow UK-style blocking and filtering across Europe. This approach was opposed in […]
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Net neutrality – is the European Parliament ready to accept complete failure?
After an overwhelming vote in favour of net neutrality by the European Parliament in April 2014, this position in favour of free speech, competition and innovation is now in danger. The negotiations between the European Parliament (the only directly-elected institution of the European Union) and the Council of the European Union (“the Council,” representing the […]
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EDRi-gram 300: Digital rights news from 2025
We are proud to present the 300th edition of the EDRi-gram as an eBook entitled “Digital rights news from 2025”!
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EDRi-gram 300 – Digital rights news from 2025
We are proud to present the 300th edition of the EDRi-gram! Since 2003, the EDRi-gram is reporting on developments across Europe to raise awareness of attacks on freedom of expression and privacy as well as to highlight good news and best practice. The EDRi-gram publishes free speech and privacy advocates’ media stories from across Europe every […]
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Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg: Internet.org vs. Net Neutrality, Privacy and Security
On 18 May 2015, EDRi signed a joint open letter together with other 64 civil society organisations expressing concerns about Internet.org and asking Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg to defend Net neutrality, Privacy, Security and other rights in relation to Internet.org. You can read the letter below: Dear Mark Zuckerberg, We, the undersigned, share a common […]
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Digital rights at re:publica 2015
The re:publica 2015, one of the biggest digital culture conferences in the world, took place on 5-7 May in Berlin, Germany. Many EDRi members and observers contributed to this year’s event motto “Finding Europe”. We have therefore collected the most exciting talks from our network: Internet censorship around Europe since ACTA (in English) Joe McNamee […]
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Privacy Cafés launched to improve secure communications in the EP
Ever since the publication of documents from the Snowden archive, which indicate that the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the UK Government Communications Headquarters (CGHQ) were behind the cyber-attacks on the European institutions, an improvement of the European Parliament’s IT security was to be expected. The report by Civil Liberties Committee Chair Claude Moraes on […]
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You can now become an official EDRi Supporter
You don’t have much time but you want to contribute to the fight for your rights and freedoms? We have launched a “Supporter” status for those motivated individuals who want to support our work for net neutrality, strong privacy protections and a reform of copyright rules in Europe. All the Supporters receive exclusive updates, and […]
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