Our work
EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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EU-Canada agreement on PNR referred to the CJEU: What’s next?
On 25 November the European Parliament voted, by 383 votes to 271, in favour of a resolution to refer the EU-Canada agreement on Passenger Name Records (PNR) to the European Court of Justice (CJEU). The CJEU will now decide on the compliance of the agreement with EU law, in particular the Charter of Fundamental Rights. […]
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Two steps forward and two steps back on net neutrality
The last few weeks have generated a lot of noise but little progress on net neutrality. A few weeks ago, the European Parliament had a strong position on the subject, having adopted its first reading of the Telecoms Single Market Regulation in April, while the Council, despite the best efforts of the Italian presidency-in-office had […]
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Dutch government: Let’s keep data retention mostly unchanged
On 18 November, the Dutch government finally issued its response to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruling in April 2014 that invalidated the data retention directive 2006/24/EC. Despite all the debate about the legality of data retention practices, the government wants to retain its current data retention legislation. The Ministry of […]
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Remembering Ville Oksanen
Ville Oksanen, Vice President and a founding member of Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi), passed away on Sunday 23 November 2014 in Helsinki from a sudden illness. He was 37 years old. Ville was one of the founders of EDRi’s Finnish member organisation Effi, and a key contributor throughout the existence of the association. He acted […]
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Danish court orders a UK company to block Danish IP addresses
In Denmark, and in most other EU member states, furniture design is protected by copyright for 70 years from the death of the designer. However, a few member states have shorter protections for furniture. In the United Kingdom, for example, Article 52 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act of 1988 limited the protection for […]
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Council of Europe Recommendation on Net Neutrality
The Council of Europe is Europe’s leading human rights organisation, with 47 member states, including all of the 28 members of the European Union. It campaigns to defend freedom of speech, privacy and the rule of law. The Council is now ten days away from adopting adraft Recommendation that whose provisions on the rule of […]
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Italian presidency abandons its net neutrality draft
The Italian Presidency of the European Council has decisively distanced itself from the leaked proposals on net neutrality. In a post on its website, it explained that previously proposed texts (including the leaks) were “significantly different” from the position of individual Member States, “including Italy” and that it proposed them “to act as a neutral […]
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European Parliament fights back hard on net neutrality
After EDRi published a leaked draft by the Italian EU Presidency to weaken proposals on net neutrality, the European Parliament has hit back with a strongly-worded resolution (see paragraphs 8 and 14). The final version will be linked here when available). The resolution was adopted with 458 in favour and 173 against. The resolution re-asserts […]
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Press Release: Civil society urges the Council to adopt real Net Neutrality
The SaveTheInternet.eu campaign is mobilising EU citizens to contact their Council representative and tell them not to turn their backs on the Telecoms Single Market legislation. The SaveTheInternet.eu coalition is sending a letter to the Council of the European Union urging support for strong and enforceable net neutrality provisions in the Telecoms Single Market regulation. […]
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Draft Commission Work Programme 2015: huge challenges for digital rights
EDRi has obtained a copy of the draft Commission Work Programme 2015. For those who have followed the nomination hearings of the Commissioners, this draft programme does not contain any major surprises. However, it does show the huge number of proposals and initiatives that will have a direct impact on our fundamental rights and freedoms […]
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Price discrimination – the Commission’s plan B to undermine net neutrality?
The European Commission is energetically defending the “right” of telecoms operators to use price discrimination, arguing that this is not a breach of net neutrality. In price discrimination, the telecoms company establishes itself as a monopoly “gatekeeper” of access to its own customers. In other words, big online companies like Google and Facebook can pay […]
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STOP spying on air travellers!
STOP spying on air travellers!
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