Our work
EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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Italian Supreme Court: Google’s Youtube is just a hosting provider
(title corrected from the newsletter version when the title was wrongfuly posted as “Italian Supreme Court: search engines are just hosting providers”) The Italian Supreme Court (Court of Cassation) finally comes to put an end to a long-term case brought in 2008 by Vividown association against three Google executives considered responsible for a post uploaded […]
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German govt and intelligence agencies face penal charges for spying
Penal charges against the German government and US and UK secret services have been filed on 3 February 2014 by three German NGOs – the International League for Human Rights, Chaos Computer Club (CCC) and Digitalcourage. (Digitalcourage and CCC are EDRi members) The criminal complaint is about mass surveillance, illegal covert intelligence activities, violations of […]
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Hacktivists targeted by British spies
According to documents released by Snowden on NSA activities, a secret British division of GCHQ named Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG), meant to mount cyber attacks on Britain’s enemies, was targeting the hacktivists of Anonymous and LulzSec. The documents reveal that JTRIG launched a “denial of service” (DDOS) attack (dubbed Rolling Thinder) and other […]
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11 February 2014 – The Day We Fought Back Mass Surveillance
Yesterday, on 11 February 2014, digital rights organizations, civil-society groups, authors, and Internet users across six continents were protesting to demand an end to mass surveillance, in an event initiated and coordinated by EDRi member Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) – USA. Over 6 000 websites committed to stand with the organizers in this global day […]
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Civil Society Demands an End to Mass Surveillance on “The Day We Fight Back”
Today on the 11th February digital rights organizations, civil-society groups, authors, and Internet users across six continents are protesting to demand an end to mass surveillance. Last summer, NSA contractor Edward Snowden began releasing documents detailing the alarming intelligence gathering operations conducted by the US, British, and other partner nations. The revelations that mass surveillance […]
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Civil Society Demands an End to Mass Surveillance on “The Day We Fight Back”
The Day We Fight Back
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Net Neutrality: primary document pool
As the debate about net neutrality is moving forward in the European Parliament we are closely following the proceedings and giving input on all levels along the way. Because of the tight timetable imposed by the European Commission, many of the discussions in the Parliament are happening in ways which make it difficult for parliamentarians, […]
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Bad leadership could kill the open internet in Europe
Bad leadership by just one or two Members of the European Parliament is in danger of killing the open internet in Europe. The Industry Committee (ITRE), which is responsible for the current European Commission proposal on “net neutrality”, is one of the most expert committees in the European Parliament. It has repeatedly identified threats to […]
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We promise. What’s the point?
Maybe, after all of the noise about crazy ideas like “Clean IT” and ACTA, there won’t be any big digital rights files for the incoming European Parliament. Maybe we don’t need to worry about having parliamentarians who understand the internet and digital rights. Maybe there won’t be any relevant proposals anyway. Maybe we don’t need […]
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The promise of democracy – digital rights groups reprogram European elections
A project launched today will give voters an innovative new way to hold the European Parliament to account.However, nothing is for free – as a trade-off citizens must make a promise of their own – to vote in May’s European Parliament elections. The Wepromise.eu project proposes a “Charter of Digital Rights“. Candidates promise to uphold […]
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Data protection package delayed after the Euro elections
The EU’s much discussed data protection package will not be adopted before the elections for the European Parliament which are due in May 2014. “They have elaborated a road map and now they need to deliver on it basically but I think the political agreement to get this done before the end of the year […]
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Dutch Court finds Pirate Bay blocking disproportionate
In a new instalment of the Dutch saga of copyrightholders representative BREIN demanding courts to order ISPs to block The Pirate Bay this mostly worrisome string of court decisions takes a turn for the better: the The Hague Court of Appeals has judged that previous blocking orders that had been granted have been mostly ineffective […]
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