Our work
EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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US and UK intelligence campaign against encryption
Top-secret files obtained by the Guardian from former contractor Edward Snowden reveal that NSA and GCHQ, that is the US and British intelligence agencies, cracked the online encryption used by people to protect their personal information such as emails, banking and medical records. The guarantees offered by Internet companies to their consumers that their personal […]
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Net Neutrality threatened by the Commission’s draft regulation
For the past years, EU Commissioner Neelie Kroes, who started by advocating for net neutrality, has constantly given in to the pressure of large telecom companies, changing her direction from protecting net neutrality to threatening it. The current draft Regulation made public on 11 September 2013 just confirms this direction. La Quadrature du Net and […]
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EDRi and FREE want an end to lawless surveillance
Civil society groups European Digital Rights (EDRi) and the Fundamental Rights European Experts Group (FREE) have demanded an end to lawless spying on individuals around the globe. At a meeting with the Chair of the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee today, the two groups handed over a document containing detailed analysis of the current European […]
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PACE: Resolution on massive eavesdropping in Europe
On 29 August 2013, EDRi signed together with other international and national human rights and freedom of expression organisations (ARTICLE 19, Reporters Without Borders, Privacy International, Vrijschrift, Open Rights Group, INDEX, English PEN and Access Now) a petition to strongly urge the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to support the Resolution, Massive […]
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More than 20 000 protest in Berlin against surveillance
The Freiheit statt Angst (Freedom Not Fear) mass anti-surveillance rally took place in Berlin, Germany on 7 September 2013. The event was organized by a broad civil coalition of over 80 NGO, associations and parties demanding an end to surveillance and a clear statement from the government on the surveillance scandal. While the organizers expected […]
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German newspapers sued for pointing out an alleged illegal site
At the end of August 2013, a group of German publishers sued newspapers Der Tagesspiegel and Die Zeit, accusing them of assisting copyright infringement for having printed an interview with the operator of an alleged unauthorized ebook site, giving the site name as well – TorBoox, which claims to be the largest ebook piracy site […]
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LIBE inquiry on surveillance
On 5 September 2013, the Civil Liberties (LIBE) committee from the European Parliament organised a first inquiry hearing, which included Jacques Follorou from Le Monde, Jacob Applebaum from the Tor and Wikileaks projects, Alan Rusbridger, editor in chief of the Guardian, Carlos Coelho, EPP MEP and former chairman of the Echelon committee and Gerhard Schmid, former socialist MEP and rapporteur […]
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ENDitorial: EU Parliament wastes time and money on gambling? You bet!
On 17 February 2009, it also adopted a non-binding resolution on the same subject. On 14 October 2011, it adopted another non-binding resolution on the same subject. Most recently, on 10 September 2013, the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution on online gambling. Each time the Internal Market and Consumer Committee (IMCO) has decided to undertake such a report, […]
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Leak: Damning analysis of Kroes’ attack on net neutrality
Fundamental rights are at risk from the draft Regulation on the “completion of the European single market for electronic communications” that may be finally approved by the European Commission this lunchtime. This is made clear from a leaked internal document (pdf) of the European Commission. There is huge opposition in the European Commission to the […]
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Press release: EDRi and FREE urge European Parliament to bring an end to lawless surveillance
Civil society groups European Digital Rights (EDRi) and the Fundamental Rights European Experts Group (FREE) have demanded an end to lawless spying on individuals around the globe. At a meeting with the Chair of the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee today, the two groups handed over a document (pdf) containing detailed analysis of the current […]
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Macedonia: Demand to retract proposed media legislation
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Mazedonien: Ruf nach Rücknahme der geplanten Mediengesetze | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_11.16_Mazedonien_Ruf_nach_Ruecknahme_der_geplanten_Mediengesetze?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20130828] The Front for Freedom of Expression, an informal coalition of nine civic associations, demands from Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to retract the proposed media bills – the Law on Media and the Law on Audio and Audiovisual […]
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"Right to Remix": Initiative for a European Copyright Reform
This article is also available in: Deutsch: [“Right to Remix”: Initiative für eine Reform des Urheberrechts in Europa | https://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_11.16_Right_to_Remix_Initiative_fuer_eine_Reform_des_Urheberrechts_in_Europa?pk_campaign=edri&pk_kwd=20130828] On its website right2remix.org, the German civil rights organisation EDRi member Digitale Gesellschaft e. V. calls on European policy-makers to adopt remix rights in the European copyright legislation and invites everyone to submit a link […]
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