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EDRi is the biggest European network defending rights and freedoms online. We work to to challenge private and state actors who abuse their power to control or manipulate the public. We do so by advocating for robust and enforced laws, informing and mobilising people, promoting a healthy and accountable technology market, and building a movement of organisations and individuals committed to digital rights and freedoms in a connected world.
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European bodies discuss the SWIFT case
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) SWIFT has recently confirmed that it had succeeded in putting some restrictions to the US Treasury’s programme of transferring transactional data from them. However, the activities of the company since 2001 are still under investigation by several European bodies. The US Treasury’s programme has been operating, without […]
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German Minister of Justice wants limits to the anonymiser service
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The German anonymization program An.On, developed by the University of Dresden and the regional data protection authority of Schleswig Holstein (ULD), is enabling its users to surf anonymously via a Java-webproxy. The program has been heavily criticized by the Minister of Justice of the German federal state […]
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OSS Watch Survey 2006
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) OSS Watch performed a survey during February and March 2006 on UK Higher Education and Further Education institutions with the purpose to get an image of the present situation of open source software (OSS) in the target group. A comparison was made with the previous similar report […]
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Germany sticks to its telecommunication data retention plans
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Although concerns have been expressed by the scientific services of the German Parliament’s lower chamber on the implementation of the EU directive on data retention, the Ministry of Justice continues with its work on a draft bill in this matter. Doubts have been expressed by the scientists […]
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Cloning an electronic passport
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) In a public demonstration at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas on 3 August 2006, Lukas Grunwald’s, CTO of German security consultancy DN-Systems Enterprise Internet Solutions, made a demonstration on how electronic passports could be cloned. The industry that produces the passports has denied the […]
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Travellers privacy and European Union
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The event “Travellers privacy and EU” was organised on 3 August 2006 by Prague based NGO Iuridicum Remedium and it brought together Czech and European stakeholders across the spectrum working on technological developments that affect the movement of people across borders. Speakers came from Data protection agencies […]
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Scrambling for Safety 8
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Scrambling for Safety 8 focused on the UK Home Office consultations over plans to give the police powers to require the production of decryption keys and of plaintext. The Home Office produced a draft code of practice on government access to “communications data” – phone numbers […]
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EU might fingerprint children even before 12 years old
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The report from the EU Council Presidency meeting of 26 June 2006 proposes that all children in the European Union should be mandatory fingerprinted if they are over 12 years old. “If provided for by national legislation” this action could be extended to all children, even below […]
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End of activities Bits of Freedom
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) From 1 September 2006 the Dutch NGO Bits of Freedom (BOF) will cease its activities. Since its establishment in 2000, Bits of Freedom has successfully defended digital civil rights, such as privacy on the Internet and online freedom of speech in the Netherlands. The board of Bits […]
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Telecom Italia wiretapping scandal
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Telecom Italia, one of the major electronic communications providers in Italy is in the middle of a huge scandal regarding the illegal wiretapping and surveillance of the telephone networks. The journalists from the weekly L’Espresso have proven that an entire system called Radar was capable of recording […]
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EU trying to push again biometrics on national ID cards
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) According to a EU document presented by Statewatch in July 2006, The Visa Working Party on 13-14 June 2006 proposed another approach on the issue of the biometrics to be introduced on national ID cards. The issue had met resistance back in February when several members of […]
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The French copyright law changed by the Constitutional Council
(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The French Constitutional Council ruled on the most controversial copyright and related rights law, known as DADVSI law, concluding that some provisions of the law “violated the constitutional protections of property”. The Council has considered as unconstitutional several provisions adopted by the French Parliament that were meant […]
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