#PrivacyCamp20 happened
Privacy Camp 2020 took place on 21 January 2020 in Brussels, Belgium. EDRi had the pleasure to co-organise the 8th edition of this side event of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference (CPDP), together with VUB-LSTS, Privacy Salon vzw and the Institute for European Studies at USL-B. In the context of rising social movements and increasing civil engagement across the globe, this year’s topic centered around Technology and Activism.

Digital rights advocates, activists as well as academics and policy-makers from all around Europe and beyond came together for one day of panels, workshops, exhibitions and brainstorming sessions. Over 40 speakers had immersed our audience in fruitful discussions around social media and political dissent, online civil disobedience, surveillance, censorship, civic participation in information policy making, data justice, data activism, commons and peer production, citizen science and more. In addition to that, we co-organised the second edition of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) Civil Society Summit under the topic of facial recognition.
The programme of this edition of Privacy Camp, with the details of each session, is available here: https://privacycamp.eu/, and we will soon publish full recordings from the panels, including the speakers’ presentations and Q&A. In order to be the first receiving updates about Privacy Camp (including the publication of video recordings), make sure you subscribe to the new Privacy Camp mailing list: https://mailman.edri.org/mailman/listinfo/privacycamp
One new venue. Over 40 speakers. 9 sessions. 250 people ++. More than 15 hours of chats and whispers. Over 100 liters of coffee fuel. Plenty of #PrivacyCamp20 tweets. One trending hashtag. Dear reader, this was the 8th edition of Privacy Camp.
Read more:
Privacy Camp
Privacy Camp 2020: Event summary
Privacy Camp 2020: Session Recordings