TTIP and Digital Rights
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP – pronounced “tee-tip”) is a draft trade agreement being negotiated between the United States (US) and the European Union (EU).
This booklet presents the concerns that EDRi and its members have regarding TTIP, such as the lack of transparency in the negotiations, respect for the rule of law and democracy, data protection, privacy, “intellectual property”, net neutrality, and Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), which would give rights to foreign companies to claim compensation from governments, undermining democracy and the right to legislate.
It is also available in Italian, as well as in Greek thanks to Simos Dalkyriades, and Dutch thanks to Bits of Freedom, Greenpeace, Marnix de Bil, Arend Jan Wiersma, Kitty Snieders and Lut Waeben.