Booklet: TTIP and Digital Rights
Today, European Digital Rights (EDRi) is publishing its latest booklet, “TTIP and digital rights”:

From a digital rights perspective, EDRi and its members have identified several threats to transparency, democracy, the rule of law, the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection, net neutrality and to human rights in general.
Accordingly, EDRi decided to publish a booklet explaining EDRi and its members’ concerns and TTIP’s red lines. The booklet is structured in eight chapters, accompanied by an introduction and a conclusion with possible outcomes:
1. Insufficient transparency and democratic deficit: not a good starting point.
2. Regulatory Cooperation: adding bureaucratic hurdles as a way of removing bureaucratic hurdles.
3. TTIP & Data Protection: secrets and lies.
4. Surveillance and encryption: no to entangled alliances.
5. Copyright and other IP rights in TTIP: Interference with the EU’s democratic process.
6. TTIP & Net neutrality: is this the end of Internet as we know it?
7. ISDS: Incompatible with democratic rule of law.
8. A Human Rights clause must be meaningful.
You can download the booklet here (pdf). You can also find it, along with other EDRi papers, here: