September 10, 2008

French law on 'graduate response' opposed by ISOC Europe

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The European Chapters Coordinating Council of the Internet Society (ISOC-ECC) issued a press release on 5 September 2008 expressing its opposition against the “graduated response” proposed by the so-called HADOPI law presented to the French Council of Ministers in June 2008. The same arguments were also submitted […]

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March 24, 2010

Four strikes in the Belgium draft copy of the French Hadopi law

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Vier Treffer in der belgischen Nachahmung des französischen Hadopi-Gesetzes |] On 17 March 2010, Belgian senator Philippe Monfils presented a new version of his proposition for a law that would implement in Belgium the graduated response system in illegal downloading cases, as the one introduced by the […]

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December 16, 2015 · Blogs

Will the European Parliament ask Court whether ISDS is legal?

In a letter to the European Parliament, Dutch EDRi member Vrijschrift suggests the Parliament ask the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) whether the investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is compatible with the EU treaties. Vrijschrift points out that the ISDS in the trade agreement with Singapore would expose our privacy to interference, expose […]

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December 5, 2007

Public letter on data security sent by MEPs to Frattini

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Two members of the European Parliament (MEPs), rapporteurs on the European huge biometric databases Visa Information System (VIS) and the Schengen Information System II (SIS II), have addressed a public letter to commissioner Frattini asking for effective data protection and data security provisions and thus excluding the […]

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July 29, 2009

EDPS: New privacy issues in relation to intelligent transport systems

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EDPS: neue Datenschutzthemen im Zusammenhang mit intelligenten Transportsystemen |] Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), issued on 22 July his opinion on the European Commission’s proposed plan, adopted in December 2008, to accelerate and coordinate the deployment of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in road transportation […]

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May 22, 2013 · Blogs

EU privacy reform: What you can do now

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EU Datenschutzreform: Was wir jetzt tun können |] The data protection reform has entered the “hot” phase. More than 4000 amendments have been tabled in the European Parliament and MEPs are now trying to find compromises in order to vote on the Albrecht report before the summer […]

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April 1, 2020 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Surveillance and data retention

Facial recognition: Homo Digitalis calls on Greek DPA to speak up

In the spring of 2019, the Hellenic Police signed a €4 million contract with Intracom Telecom, a global telecommunication systems and solutions vendor, for a smart policing project. Seventy five percent of the project is funded by the Internal Security Fund (ISF) 2014-2020 of the European Commission.

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July 28, 2010

Germany: Filtering by keywords is not an obligation for a hosting company

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutschland: Hosting-Unternehmen müssen keine Wortfilter einsetzen |] The Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf decided on 21 July 2010 that RapidShare, as a hosting company, is not guilty of copyright infringement. RapidShare has faced several cases in court for copyright infringement and in December 2009 lost a case […]

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June 19, 2013 · Blogs

The EU PNR is delayed by MEPs, but the Russian PNR arrives

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [MEPs verzögern EU-PNR, aber EU-Russland PNR wird kommen |] On 10 June 2013, the MEPs were supposed to vote on the recommendation of EP LIBE Committee (Civil liberties committee) to reject an EU passenger data retention system (Passenger Name Records or PNR), proposed by the EU Commission. […]

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March 29, 2006

TACD debate on the politics and ideology of intellectual property

Civil society groups from around the world met in Brussels 20/21 March to discuss the politics and ideology of intellectual property. Speakers included representatives from WIPO and the EU, former US Patent Commissioner Bruce Lehman, consumer and development campaigners and noted IP academics Peter Drahos and Susan Sell. The conference tried to step back from […]

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September 21, 2011

Free operating systems might be blocked by Windows 8

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Das neue Windows 8 könnte freie Betriebssysteme blockieren |] The hardware certified for the new 64 bit operating system from Microsoft (Windows 8) will have to use the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) with security measures that would not allow installing of other operating systems, such as […]

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November 18, 2009

Azeri bloggers abusively sentenced by the Baku court

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Aserbaidschanische Blogger vom Gericht in Baku missbräuchlich verurteilt |] On 11 November 2009, two Azerbaijani bloggers were found guilty on hooliganism and violence charges by a court in Baku and sentenced to two years and two years and a half prison respectively. Bloggers and political activists Adnan […]

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