November 4, 2015 · Blogs

Austrian BBA awarded to the new intelligence services act

On 25 October, Austrian EDRi member q/uintessenz organised the annual Big Brother Awards Gala. It was held in Vienna at the Rabenhof Theatre, with over 300 people attending to “honour” the biggest privacy invaders of this year. Organised annually since 1999, this was the 17th time the Gala was held. It was broadcast via national […]

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February 13, 2013 · Blogs

Copyright: challenges of the digital era

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Urheberrecht im digitalen Zeitalter |] EDRi has freshly launched a booklet that overviews the challenges that copyright is facing in the digital environment. For the past twelve years, the European Union has discussed how to support, develop and protect creation in the digital environment. Two months ago, […]

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February 13, 2013 · Blogs

Ancillary copyright law under discussion in Germany

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutschland: Debatte um Leistungsschutzrecht |] The Judiciary Committee of the German Bundestag held on 30 January 2013 an expert hearing on the proposed “Leistungsschutzrecht” (LRS, known also as “ancillary copyright”) law for news publishers which will require search engines and others to ask permission from news publishers […]

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August 25, 2004

EU prepares ban on banknote forgery software

According to an article in the UK newspaper The Observer, computer and software manufacturers in Europe are to be forced to introduce new security measures to make it impossible for their products to be used to copy banknotes. The move, to be drafted into European Union legislation before the end of the year, is presented […]

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April 22, 2009

Launch of the first European Civil Liberties Day

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Einstand zum ersten Europäischen Tag der Bürgerrechte |] Macedonian: [Организиран првиот Европски ден на… |,mk/] Earlier this month, over a hundred politicians, journalists and campaigners attended the launch of the first European Civil Liberties Day – 15 April at the European Parliament. Organised by the Liberals […]

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March 23, 2011

Using new Internet tools to identify dissidents in Azerbaijan

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Aserbaidschan: Dissidenten mit neuen Internet-Tools ausgeforscht |] As freedom activists have increased their activity on Facebook, the Azeri government has also increased its attention and surveillance of social networks. According to Azadliq newspaper, for instance, in June 2010, pro-government youth were encouraged to join Facebook with the […]

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March 23, 2011

Dutch court rules that WiFi hacking is legal

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Niederlande: Hacken von WLAN-Verbindungen nicht rechtswidrig |] A Dutch court in The Hague has recently ruled that by-passing an encrypted router and using its WiFi connection does not infringe Dutch law. The decision of the court comes in relation to the case of a young man having […]

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February 29, 2012

The Netlog and Scarlet/Sabam rulings & ACTA – what have we learned?

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ACTA & die Entscheidungen zu Netlog und Scarlet/Sabam – was wir daraus gelernt haben |] There has been a great degree of noise around the recent Netlog/Sabam ruling from the European Court of Justice and what this may prove or disprove about ACTA. This article will seek […]

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November 19, 2014 · Blogs

Irish ISP introduces child porn blocking – doesn’t know why

The Irish broadband provider UPC has introduced blocking for web addresses that are alleged to contain child abuse material. It chose an interesting moment to do this – with the total number of domains allegedly hosting abuse material half what it was ten years ago and with sites staying online for historically short periods of […]

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November 30, 2016 · Blogs

Free flow of data – what is it?

The “think tank” European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) recently produced a database of “restrictions on data”. The database lists laws which, in ECIPE’s opinion, are barriers to trade in 65 economies worldwide, including the European Union, and it was produced apparently due to influence from “the business community”. The database considers the EU […]

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April 6, 2011

EDRi responds to IPR Enforcement consultation

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EDRi-Stellungnahme zum Urheberrechts-Konsultationsverfahren |] European Digital Rights has submitted on 31 March 2011 its response to the European Commission’s consultation on the implementation of the IPR Enforcement Directive. The response examines the claims made by the Commission, the evidence (or lack thereof) for its assumptions and the […]

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November 19, 2014 · Blogs

Denmark plans to use PNR data for increased Schengen border control

In Denmark, there is currently a public consultation for a new draft law which aims at improving the border checks at Denmark’s Schengen borders. Formally, the Schengen Border Code has abolished border checks at EU’s internal borders, but, under Article 21, member states are still allowed to carry out identity checks in the border territory, […]

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