June 19, 2003

Answers to EU questionnaire on spam

During the last meeting of the EU Communication Committee on 11 June, a document was presented with answers of the member states to the questionnaire on spam. The same document was also presented next day to the members of the article 29 working party (the collaboration between the EU data protection authorities). The questionnaire was […]

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September 2, 2019 · Blogs | Information democracy | Platform regulation

How security policy hijacks the Digital Single Market

On 22 August, when Politico leaked an internal European Commission document that outlined policy plans for the upcoming mandate from all corners of the EU’s executive branch, Brussels was at high alert. Although the document is an internal note, not an official Commission position, it isn’t irrelevant: Its purpose is to inform the incoming Commissioners […]

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June 19, 2003

OSCE statement about freedom of the media on-line

At the end of a two-day conference in Amsterdam on internet-related perils to freedom of expression, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Freimut Duve has issued a call to take up a strong position towards free flow of information on the internet. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the […]

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May 27, 2013 · Blogs

SIF Unconference: Enforcement through "self-"Regulation – who ever thought this was a good idea?

Last week, European Digital Rights attended the second annual Stockholm Internet Forum which focused on two main themes: Internet Freedom and Security and Internet Freedom and Development. A novelty this year were the Unconference sessions. The Unconference organised by EDRi set itself the task of establishing an initial set of basic criteria for assessing the […]

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July 2, 2003

Analysis: Privacy in the EU draft constitution

The draft European Constitution was presented in May 2003. The proposed treaty contains a section on Fundamental Rights and Citizenship of the Union. The European Charter of Fundamental rights, which was adopted at the Nice summit, in 2000, will be an integral part of the treaty (section II, article 5, paragraph 1). The right of […]

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July 2, 2003

Finnish plans to lower privacy protection employees

On 26 June, the Finnish Ministry of Labour released a draft new version of the law protecting privacy at the workplace. The proposal would make it legal to read employees’ email under certain circumstances. It also contains new regulations on camera surveillance (allowed as long as a single employee is not singled out) and drug […]

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April 19, 2017 · Blogs

Challenges for “Legal Frameworks for Hacking by Law Enforcement”

A study entitled “Legal Frameworks for Hacking by Law Enforcement: Identification, Evaluation and Comparison of Practices” was published by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Civil Liberties Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). It presents policy proposals on the use of hacking techniques by […]

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April 27, 2017 · Blogs


On 26 April, the Committee of national ambassadors to the EU (COREPER, part of the Council of the EU), adopted a common approach to the European Commission’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). This follows the European Parliament vote on 25 April on the same proposal. http://www.statewatch.org/news/2017/apr/eu-council-ams-8242-17.pdf

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July 16, 2003 · Blogs

Danish agreement on digital civil rights

On 4 July, the Danish Committee on citizens IT-rights published a list of 10 recommendations on digital civil rights. The committee was established in September last year by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. The recommendations deal with communication with the public sector, with privacy and registration, with freedom of expression and with […]

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March 12, 2008

High Level Contact Group talks about EU-US personal data issues

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) According to a document revealed by Statewatch, the EU and US are negotiating the data protection principles for which common language has been developed. The Group has as purpose to draft a proposal that should deal with the personal data protection in any future EU-US agreements that […]

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April 22, 2015 · Blogs

Legal Affairs Committee: ISDS and IPR must be excluded from TTIP

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) resolution in the European Parliament is coming to a conclusion. 16 April 2015 was the deadline for European Parliament committees to submit their opinions to the leading committee, the International Trade committee (INTA). EDRi-gram previously reported about the positive vote of the Civil Liberties Justice and Home Affairs […]

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May 18, 2016 · Blogs

Europol: Non-transparent cooperation with IT companies

Will the European Police Office’s (Europol’s) database soon include innocent people reported by Facebook or Twitter? The Europol Regulation, which has been approved on 11 May 2016, not only provides a comprehensive new framework for the police agency, but it also allows Europol to share data with private companies like Facebook and Twitter. The history […]

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