October 5, 2016 · Blogs

Eight challenges of opening the web

The Open Web Fellows programme is an international programme designed to link developers, engineers, technologists and programmers with civil society organisations around the world. This article is written by Sid Rao, the Open Web Fellow who is spending ten months with the EDRi office in Brussels, working in cooperation with us to safeguard the internet […]

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February 8, 2019 · Highlights | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online

Copyright: Franco-German tandem strikes dangerous deal on Article 13

On 7 February, it became publicly known that the blockade in the Council of the European Union on the highly controversial Article 13 of the Copyright Directive proposal nears an end. The details which had been on the heart of the disagreement between the Union’s most powerful member states, France and Germany, have now been […]

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February 13, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data

LIBE Committee analysis: Challenges of cross-border access to data

On 7 February, the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) presented two new working documents analysing further the issue of cross-border access to data in criminal matters, also known as “e-evidence”.

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February 21, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data

Safeguarding fundamental rights in the new Cybercrime Protocol

On 20 February, European Digital Rights (EDRi), along with ten civil society organisations from across the globe, responded to a public consultation on the Council of Europe’s Second Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime (also known as the Budapest Convention). The draft Protocol aims to establish international rules for cross-border access to personal data by […]

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November 2, 2016 · Blogs

The Copyright Reform – a guide for the perplexed

The debate whether the copyright reform in a proposed shape would be beneficial for Europe or not is now a key topic for digital rights organisations. But what do measures suggested by the European Commission actually mean? COMMUNIA and EDRi have jointly developed a guideline to the “legalese” of the draft directive. We present key […]

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October 5, 2005

Civil society urges Kofi Annan to protect human rights in Tunis

A number of civil society groups present at the WSIS PrepCom in Geneva have written an open letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. “Since we learned that the second phase of the Summit would take place in Tunisia, we have expressed serious concerns over the violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms by the Tunisian […]

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August 4, 2004

Recommended participation: nanotech and DRM

The European Commission is organising two interesting public consultation rounds, on nanotechnology and on digital rights management (DRM). The consultation on nanotechnology invites public feedback on the communication ‘Towards a European Strategy for Nanotechnology’, in which the Commission proposes an integrated and responsible approach for developing nanosciences and nanotechnologies in Europe. All interested people are […]

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August 25, 2004

Call for participation: data retention and copyright

The deadline is nearing for two important consultation rounds from the European Commission, on mandatory data retention and on copyright. European Digital Rights is working hard on a thorough answer on the EU plans for mandatory retention of all internet and telephony traffic data. The document will be made publicly available on the EDRI website, […]

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November 16, 2016 · Blogs

EU copyright reform proposal discussed in Romania

On 10 November 2016, EDRi member Asociația pentru Tehnologie și Internet (ApTI) and Internet Advertising Bureau România (IAB România) organised a debate regarding the European Commission’s copyright reform proposal and its impact on digital rights. The goal of the debate was to communicate the participants’ positions to the Romanian representatives taking part in the European […]

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February 21, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Transparency

European Ombudsman shares EDRi’s concerns on Council transparency

On 13 February 2018, the European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly published a Recommendation regarding the transparency of the legislative work of the Council of the European Union. Her strategic inquiry, which involved the examination of the Council’s work around the legislative course of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), among other files, showed that the Council’s […]

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October 9, 2013 · Blogs

Joint letter on Market Surveillance and Product Safety Regulation

On 2 October 2013, EDRi signed a joint letter together with other civil society groups and organisations (CCIA, EDIMa, EuroISPA, EEA and EMOTA) asking the competent EU institutions to act on the amendments to the draft Regulations on Market Surveillance and Product Safety that could have far-reaching consequences affecting online commerce and Internet intermediaries freedom. […]

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May 20, 2009

Another open door for software patents in EU

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Noch eine offene Tür für Softwarepatente in der EU | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1409] A new international treaty United Patent Litigation System (UPLS) that may create an centralised trusted patent court is the new open door for software patents in the European Union. The draft UPLS is inspired from the now […]

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