May 4, 2011

ENDitorial: Defending the Open Internet

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Zur Verteidigung des Offenen Internets |] At an event organised by Brussels think-tank Security and Defence Agenda, EDRi’s advocacy coordinator debated freedom and security online with: – Robert Madelin, Director General of DG Information Society of the European Commission, – Erika Mann, Member of the Board […]

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December 5, 2005

Illegal video surveillance on Slovenian motorways

In Slovenia the number of installed surveillance video cameras on the roads is increasing rapidly. Apart from the CCTV systems on sections of so called “smart motorways” – which enable real-time monitoring of important traffic parameters and the informing of drivers via traffic portals – a large number of surveillance video cameras is installed on […]

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April 9, 2003

Draft law promotes free software in Bulgaria

A draft law, currently discussed in parliament in Bulgaria, will oblige all governmental institutions to use free software and open formats with their computer information systems within 2 years. The law addresses all state bodies, mayors of municipalities and regions, higher schools, medical establishments, non-profit legal entities as well as other bodies and entities that […]

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January 5, 2006

End of 5 year struggle against data retention

After 5 years of fighting against plans for mandatary data retention, EDRI is deeply disappointed that a majority in the European Parliament has adopted a law decreeing very broad and long retention of telephony and internet traffic data, with access granted for all sorts of undefined crimes. Please visit the special [Campaign WIKI |] […]

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January 28, 2015 · Blogs

Spanish Citizens’ Security Bill: Many restrictions, few freedoms

In summer 2014, the EDRi-gram reported on the Spanish bill on the Protection of Citizens’ Security, shedding light on some of its most controversial measures. In December 2014, the Spanish Congress passed the Citizens’ Security bill by 181 votes to 141. Now, the bill will be discussed in the Senate until the end of March […]

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April 24, 2013 · Blogs

A Monster from Rome – huge crackdown action on "file-sharing"

In an action that has become known as “A Monster from Rome”, the Italian Public Prosecutor of Rome ordered on 15 April 2013 the blocking of 27 file-sharing related sites at the request of Sunshine Pictures, the Italian distributor of the French animated film “A Monster in Paris”. The list which has been made public […]

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May 9, 2012

Portugal: Suing users for copyright infringement does not work

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Portugal: Klagen gegen Urheberrechtsverletzer sind zwecklos |] In a six-year long case brought by the Portuguese Phonographic Association (Associação Fonográfica Portuguesa -AFP), the Lisbon Criminal Court has recently given a ruling condemning a young men to a 2 month suspended jail sentence and a 880 euro fine. […]

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June 24, 2020 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Surveillance and data retention

The threat on OTF as a wake up call for European digital sovereignty

Around 2 billion people in 60 countries are able to use the internet securely and without risks of being surveilled or censored. And all of this, thanks to the work done by a non-profit called Open Tech Fund (OTF) for only 15 million dollars a year. However, all of this may be over soon.

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March 8, 2017 · Blogs

Is Telefónica offering real transparency and control?

Our data is extremely precious for technology companies. Internet and telecommunications services host and process huge amounts of personal data of their clients, based on often vague and confusing terms of service. The clients are rarely properly informed on what their data are being used for. On 27 February, at the Mobile World Congress (MWC), […]

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March 9, 2017 · Blogs

Copyright Directive: Lead MEP partly deletes the “censorship machine”

Note: We have updated this article on 20 March 2017 eliminating mentions to the leak when it was no longer necessary and updating the number of amendments below. The rest of the analysis remains relevant and has not been modified. On 8 March, we were able to gain an insight into a leaked Draft Report […]

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May 21, 2003

Trial of Nigerian spammers in the Netherlands

A gang of 6 Nigerian spammers was put to trial on 15 May. The gang was arrested last year in the Netherlands. Operating from Amsterdam the group posed as very rich businessmen from Nigeria. Victims were promised a lot of money in exchange for a temporary loan. The Dutch police estimates the gang earned at […]

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April 13, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data

New Cybercrime Protocol will undermine our privacy to compensate for the rising powers of law enforcement authorities

This new international agreement raises serious concerns as its shortcomings promise to undermine the safeguards to our fundamental rights, including our privacy and procedural rights.

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