November 3, 2017 · Blogs | Information democracy | Data protection standards | Platform regulation

New Estonian Presidency “compromise” creates copyright chaos

Following the launch of the controversial proposed Copyright Directive in September 2016, the European Parliament and the Member States (gathered in the Council of the European Union) are now developing their positions. The Council is working under its Estonian Presidency, which has produced a new “compromise” proposal.  After the Estonian Presidency of the Council proposed […]

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April 13, 2023 · Blogs | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

A collective project: EDRi celebrates turning 20 in the capital of the EU

On 21 March, we celebrated EDRi 20th anniversary in Brussels, the heart of the European Union. Close friends and supporters gathered at Bozar, the Center for Fine Arts, for a fun and dynamic evening celebrating the networks's collective work for far, current efforts and a hopeful future.

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November 15, 2017 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards

The Dutch continue to fight new mass surveillance law

On 4 November 2017, 20 000 households in the Netherlands received a letter from the Interior Security Service, Rijksveiligheidsdienst. The letter asked people to make an appointment to have a relay installed in their home. The letter stated that this installation was necessary because of the new Intelligence and Security Services Act, which gives the […]

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October 21, 2020 · Blogs | Information democracy | Alternatives to dominant digital services | Disinformation and electoral interference | Freedom of expression online | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation | Profiling practices

How the Parliament stakes out its DSA position

With three European Parliament positions on the Digital Services Act coming up, what will it mean for people's rights in the digital world?

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February 26, 2020 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

Romania: Mandatory SIM registration declared unconstitutional, again

On 18 February 2020, the Romanian Constitutional Court unanimously declared unconstitutional a new legislative act adopted in September 2019 introducing mandatory SIM card registration. The legislative act in question was an emergency ordinance issued by the Government which wanted to introduce this obligation as a measure “to improve the operation of the 112 emergency service […]

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December 18, 2020 · Blogs | Highlights | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation | Surveillance and data retention | Transparency

The EU’s attempt to regulate Big Tech: What it brings and what is missing

This week, the European Commission has proposed two long-awaited pieces of digital legislation, the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act. Despite a number of good provisions, there are also major shortcomings which must be addressed to guarantee the protection of digital rights.

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February 13, 2019 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data

LIBE Committee analysis: Challenges of cross-border access to data

On 7 February, the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) presented two new working documents analysing further the issue of cross-border access to data in criminal matters, also known as “e-evidence”.

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September 13, 2006

License to hack: domestic Internet intelligence powers growing in Germany

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The domestic intelligence agency (Verfassungsschutz) in the German state of North-Rhine Westfalia (NRW) will be allowed to hack into the computers of terrosist suspects, if a bill currently under discussion in the state parliament is adopted. According to the bill, the agency will get the new competence […]

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September 12, 2007

Is the IP address still a personal data in France?

Although the answer to this question may be obvious not only in France, but also in Europe, two decisions from the Paris Appeal Court may well change this established understanding. The decisions, respectively published on 27 April and 15 May 2007, concern individuals to the SCPP (a French collecting society of recording companies), in two […]

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April 9, 2020 · Blogs | Information democracy | Alternatives to dominant digital services | Data protection standards | Platform regulation | Privacy and confidentiality | Profiling practices

DSA: Platform Regulation Done Right

The DSA is as a unique opportunity to improve the functioning of platforms as public space in our democratic societies, to uphold people’s rights and freedoms, and to shape the internet as an open, safe and accountable infrastructure for everybody.

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October 13, 2021

Visions for a Digital Europe 2025

Politicians and legislators are currently setting the regulatory course for Europe's digital future. Platform economy, data protection and data sovereignty as well as artificial intelligence and open data are addressed by legislative proposals like the Digital Services Act, the Digital Markets Act, the AI Regulation and the Data Governance Act. iRightsLab, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the German Research Institute for Public Administration and the German University of Administrative Sciences would like to seize the occasion of these developments and discuss the future of European digital policies with you on Wednesday, 27 October 2021, from 10:00 to 17:30 CEST.

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October 8, 2008

Third Phorm trials started, but privacy concerns remained

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Following a complaint placed in July 2008 by campaigners against the British companies BT and Phorm for their allegedly illegal secret ISP-level adware trials, the London Police decided not to investigate the case arguing there had been implied consent of their customers. BT started its third trial […]

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