March 14, 2012

ENDitorial: About copyright reform

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Zur Urheberrechtsreform |] EDRi presentation to ALDE Group Meeting on 7 March 2012 In this short presentation, I will briefly address two points. Firstly, the need to soberly assess the very difficult position we currently find ourselves in and, secondly, the dangers of failing to learn […]

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January 24, 2017 · Blogs

Despite large opposition, CETA limps forward in the European Parliament

On 24 January 2017, the European Parliament Committee on International Trade (INTA) voted in favour of the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), despite the concerns about fundamental rights and the right to regulate. We regret that the international trade committee appears to be motivated by short-term political objectives, rather than what is actually written in […]

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February 28, 2018 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Cross border access to data | Digital rights in trade agreements

The European Commission rightly decides to defend citizens’ privacy in trade discussions

On 31 January 2018, the European Commission adopted horizontal clauses on data flows, data protection and privacy in trade deals. On 9 February, these provisions were leaked.

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December 17, 2014 · Blogs

EDRi paper for the Council of Europe: “Human Rights Online”

EDRi drafted an expert paper on “Human Rights Violations Online” to offer a practical backdrop to the Guide to Human Rights for Internet users adopted by Council of Europe on 16 April 2014. The Guide informs readers about what online rights and freedoms mean in practice, how they can be relied and acted upon and […]

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November 21, 2005 · Blogs

Panel on WIPO and intellectual property

On 16 November IPJustice organised a panel on intellectual property and WIPO, chaired by Robin Gross. Philip Petit of WIPO spoke about the history of WIPO, its relation to other organisations like WTO and its role in various treaties. He also welcomed NGOs participation in WIPO. According to him WIPO’s mission is promoting IPR in […]

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November 22, 2006

Swiss Big Brother Awards 2006

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) On 16 November 2006, Sudhaus cultural centre of Bâle hosted the Swiss Big Brother Awards ceremony of 2006 organised by Archives de l’Etat Fouineur Swiss and the EDRI-member Swiss Internet User Group SIUG. The jury deciding on the winners included 11 people from various institutions and organizations […]

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March 28, 2012

EU-US joint commitments on privacy and protection of personal data

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EU – USA: Bekenntnis zu Privatsphäre und Datenschutz |] At the 28 November 2011 EU-US Summit, President Obama and Presidents Van Rompuy and Barroso announced that the US and the EU are determined to finalise negotiations on a comprehensive EU-US data privacy and protection agreement. On 19 […]

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March 7, 2018 · Blogs

Portuguese ISPs given 40 days to comply with EU net neutrality rules

On 28 February 2018, Portuguese Telecom Regulator ANACOM issued a decision notice, which gives 40 working days for the three major Portuguese mobile Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to change their offers that are in breach of EU net neutrality and roaming rules.

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December 3, 2008

Effects of counter-terrorism legislation on freedom of the media

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A new report conducted by Privacy International (PI) for the Council of Europe Media and Information Society Division reveals effects of new counter-terrorism laws on media and free expression rights in European countries. The report “Speaking of Terror” examines how the “war on terror” has affected access […]

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May 8, 2019 · Blogs | Open internet and inclusive technology | Equal access to the internet

It starts with free Pokémon Go, it ends with Bolsonaro

Chile was the first country in the world to have a net neutrality law, but it is not enforced at all. A simple search across mobile internet providers shows a large offer of “free” data if you’re using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, or Pokémon Go. This is called “zero-rating” and means people […]

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May 4, 2011

European Commission stumbles in ACTA opinion rebuttal

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EU-Komission strauchelt bei Entgegnung auf ACTA-Stellungnahme |] Last week, the European Commission posted a rebuttal to a widely cited opinion document by prominent European academics on the Anti- Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The Commission however made several factual errors in its rebuttal, according to an analysis by […]

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March 7, 2018 · On the ground | Privacy and data protection | Surveillance and data retention

Portugal: Data retention sent to the Constitutional Court

A new chapter is expected to soon be written in the long battle between lawmakers and the Constitutional Court in Portugal, regarding the intelligence services’ access to data retention. In January 2018, 35 Members of the Parliament (MP) from three parties officially requested the Constitutional Court to provide a rule on the constitutionality of the […]

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