April 22, 2015 · Blogs

Non-US Twitter accounts now subject to EU Data Protection rules

On 17 April 2015, Twitter revised its privacy policy, explaining that it will change the location of processing of the account information of users outside the United States. On its website Twitter announced that the services for non-US users are now provided by its subsidiary based in Dublin, Ireland. Therefore, these accounts will no more […]

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July 1, 2015 · Blogs

Google admits it was wrong on “right to be forgotten”

In the widely publicised “Google/Spain” ruling of the European Court of Justice (CJEU), it was decided that the results of Google searches sometimes infringe the rights of individuals. In such circumstances, individuals can complain – to Google in the first instance – and ask for searches involving their name to be de-linked from the unfair […]

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January 13, 2016 · Blogs

India: Free Basics violates principles of a neutral Internet

India is Facebook’s second largest market after the US, and the social media giant has rolled out Free Basics, a new, “free” service which they claim has the ability to connect millions of people who have never connected to the Internet. In doing so, it is showcasing a new, aggressive corporate strategy. Both regulators and […]

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January 18, 2006

French anti-hate groups win case against Yahoo

In a tight decision (6-5) ruled on 12 January 2006, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed Yahoo’s case of sale of Nazi-related books and memorabilia on its French auction site. The majority stated that “First Amendment harm may not exist at all” and that it’s “extremely unlikely” that any penalty could be assessed […]

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May 4, 2016 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Privacy and confidentiality

The lobby-tomy 6: Not in my backyard

Something you’ll hear in policy debates on the environment: windmills are a great idea and obviously good for the environment, but we don’t want them in our backyard. This argument doesn’t just apply to the debate on the environment, but apparently also in the debate on privacy protection. Representatives from industry speak convincingly about what […]

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October 6, 2010

ENDitorial: Council of Europe: Bad news as it happens

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Reichlich schlechte Nachrichten vom Europarat | http://www.unwatched.org/node/2251] The third Council of Europe (CoE) Committee of experts on new media (MC-NM), held on 27-28 September 2010 in Strasbourg, is likely to dampen enthusiasm. To start with, the current vice-chair Michael Truppe is leaving the group to hold another […]

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December 16, 2009

European Civil Society Data Protection Award launched by AEDH and EDRi

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [AEDH und EDRi rufen den “European Civil Society Data Protection Award” ins Leben| http://www.unwatched.org/node/1626] AEDH (European Association for the Defence of Human rights) and EDRi (European Digital Rights) is launching the first edition of the European Civil Society Data Protection Award (ECSDPA). The prize aims at rewarding positive […]

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January 27, 2010

New round of negotiations on ACTA: EU position

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Neue ACTA-Verhandlungsrunde: Die Haltung der EU | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1674] A new round of negotiations on ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) is taking place from 26 to 29 January 2010 in Guadalajara, Mexico. As announced by some countries participating in the event the main topics of the new negotiations are: civil […]

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April 21, 2010

German civil society calls for a definitive end to telecom data retention

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutsche Zivilgesellschaft fordert endgültigen Stopp der Vorratsdatenspeicherung | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1869] More than 40 organisations and associations have sent a letter asking the German Federal Minister of Justice to “push for the abolition of EU telecommunications data retention requirements” which compel phone and Internet companies to collect data about their […]

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October 9, 2013 · Blogs


14-18 October 2013, Athens, Greece RIPE67 Meeting https://ripe67.ripe.net/ 21-27 October 2013, Worldwide Open Access week http://www.openaccessweek.org/events 22-25 October 2013, Bali, Indonesia Internet Governance Forum 2013 http://igf2013.or.id/ 24 October 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia The LAPSI 2.0 Conference: “The new PSI directive: What’s next?” http://www.lapsi-project.eu/lapsi-20-conferences 25-27 October 2013, Siegen, Germany Cyberpeace – FIfF Annual Meeting 2013 http://www.fiff.de/ 19-20 […]

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December 19, 2007

Filtering the Internet – new request of music and film industry

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Concern has been raised by a memo sent to European policy-makers by the International Federation of Phonographic Industries asking European ISPs to filter the content transferred by their networks. The music and film industry continues to pressure from the EU regulators for control on the Internet, through […]

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March 9, 2016 · Blogs

The lobby-tomy 2: What was the lobbying about?

What do companies really think about privacy protection? Publicly everybody thinks privacy is important, but do they think the same thing behind closed doors? What were the hot issues during the lobby and did everybody treat privacy protection well? The new European data protection regulation is the most lobbied piece of legislation so far because […]

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