May 25, 2016 · Blogs

European fundamental rights to be regulated by companies

Today, on 25 May, the European Commission published two new proposals of their Digital Single Market strategy: its update of the Directive on audiovisual media services (ADVMS) and a Communication on online platforms, together with the evidence document for the platforms Communication. The Communication on Platforms worries us the most. For instance, the proposals with […]

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June 28, 2018 · Blogs | Information democracy | Freedom of expression online | Platform regulation

Re-Deconstructing upload filters proposal in the copyright Directive

This week we have published a new analysis of the proposal for upload filters in the Copyright Directive proposal. The paper is a new paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of relevant parts in the text adopted by the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (JURI Committee). The work complements our first analysis of the initial proposal by […]

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December 13, 2021 · Blogs | Highlights | Privacy and data protection

EDRi welcomes our new Policy Advisor: Sebastian Becker

European Digital Rights is proud to announce that Sebastian Becker has joined the Brussels office team as our new Policy Advisor. Sebastian will focus on supporting EDRi’s work on platform regulation, including the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act along with policies related to disinformation and hate speech.

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November 5, 2009

Declaration on Global Privacy Standards

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deklaration über globale Datenschutzstandards |] The public voice coalition, where EDRi is also a member, gathered almost two hundred privacy experts, advocates, and governments officials from around the world for a civil society event in Madrid with the title “Global privacy standards for a Global world”. Held […]

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August 1, 2012

ETSI standard for lawful interception triggers privacy questions

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ETSI-Standard für rechtmäßige Überwachung wirft Datenschutzfragen auf |] The draft UK Communication Bill raises new privacy concerns after it has been revealed that the UK has also been driving the development of a European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) standard framework that allows interception of the content of […]

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July 31, 2013 · Blogs

Turkey: Social media and our rights

The EDRi member from Turkey Alternative Informatics Association together with other 11 NGOs from Turkey issued the following public announcement with the title “Reclaiming our rights on social media following the Gezi Park protests”: UN and some international organizations have declared Internet as the main tool of freedom of expression and freedom of the press. […]

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June 14, 2017 · Blogs

#ALTwitter privacy revelation: European parliamentarian goes bananas

Recently, Mr Dunston (of the “Dunston Checks In” fame) came to the EDRi Brussels office looking for help. He complained that somebody from the European Parliament is messing up with his “holy banana collection” that he has been preserving since decades after he inherited it from his forefathers. Other than that we had no information.

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April 12, 2007

Bulgarian Police ordered ISPs to block US-based torrent tracker

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) On 16 March 2007 the Bulgarian special forces for combating organized crime ordered the major ISPs to filter the access to and from the web site, a torrent tracker hosted in the US, claiming that it was the source of copyright infringement activities. Only three big […]

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September 7, 2011

ENDitorial: Abuse of Irish police databases

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Missbrauch der irischen Polizeidatenbanken |] In 2003, the then Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, stated that he “knew that journalists were bribing gardaí (police)”. This was said in the context of proposed legislation which would create a crime of leaking information. Unfortunately, the intervening years seem […]

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April 12, 2007

France establishes the DRM-regulation authority

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The independent authority foreseen by the new French law on copyright (DADVSI) was created in the last days of the Villepin government. This Authority for Regulations of the DRMs (Autorité de régulation des mesures techniques – ARMT) should ensure the interoperability of the DRM systems and allow […]

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July 11, 2018 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Surveillance and data retention

Danish High Court ruling on data retention use and file sharing cases

On 7 May 2018, the Eastern High Court in Denmark delivered a ruling that internet service providers (ISPs) are not required to disclose subscriber information in file sharing cases.

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December 9, 2020 · Blogs | EDRi-gram | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection

EDRi-gram, 9 December 2020

In this final 2020 edition of the EDRi-gram, our wish is to start 2021 with more energy, momentum and resources to protect our rights and freedoms online. Would you consider donating to help make that happen?

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