August 27, 2008

Secret reports on new five year plan for "European Home Affairs"

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A new secret report, made available by Statewatch, drafted by the “Future Group” of Interior and Justice Ministers from six EU member states (Germany, France, Sweden, Portugal, Slovenia, and Czech Republic) suggests a series of proposals to boost EU integration in policing and intelligence-gathering, including the creation […]

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September 12, 2007

Reactions on the ISO voting procedures

The recent vote on the OOXML draft standard revealed a number of problems with the ISO procedures, at national as well as international level. The national procedures have been often accused of being influenced by Microsoft, especially in Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, and the US. Protests about Microsoft exerting improper influence on the […]

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February 2, 2013 · Blogs

CEO Coalition – the blind leading the bland

After a year of working group meetings, the “CEO Coalition to make the Internet a better place for kids” produces its final documents on 4 February. The outcome of the project is a set of voluntary guidelines divided into five broad headings, ranging from “reporting tools” to “notice and takedown,” It is intended that this […]

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April 8, 2009

European Parliament asks for respect of human rights on the Internet

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Europäisches Parlament fordert Respekt für die Menschenrechte im Internet |] This article is also available in: Macedonian: [Европскиот парламент бара да се… |,mk/] On 26 March 2009, the European Parliament voted with a large majority to support Lambrinidis report concerning the protection of individual liberties on […]

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August 4, 2004

Recommended participation: nanotech and DRM

The European Commission is organising two interesting public consultation rounds, on nanotechnology and on digital rights management (DRM). The consultation on nanotechnology invites public feedback on the communication ‘Towards a European Strategy for Nanotechnology’, in which the Commission proposes an integrated and responsible approach for developing nanosciences and nanotechnologies in Europe. All interested people are […]

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April 8, 2009

ISPs asked to block child porn sites on the Internet

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ISPs werden aufgefordert, Kinderpornografieseiten im Internet zu sperren |] In Germany, based on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), the government has had discussions for several months now on how to block child pornography sites hosted on servers […]

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October 10, 2007

French ISPs agree to spy on Internet users to stop online piracy

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The Association of the French ISPs (AFA) agreed to propose concrete solutions to stop illegal downloading, following the discussion on 3 October 2007 with the Commission fighting Internet piracy led by Denis Olivennes. The solutions included the introduction of a system to detect the Internet users that […]

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November 5, 2014 · Blogs

FTDI: Is the law criminal?

The EDRi-gram has previously reported on the general silliness, if not active harmfulness to an open society, of certain copying controls that are generically referred to as Digital Rights Management (DRM). However, it’s not often that a practical example comes around that underlines the problem and at the same time has potential to demonstrate the […]

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October 10, 2013 · Blogs

Data protection series – issue sheets

On 21 October the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) will vote a hugely important dossier: The General Data Protection Regulation. This very long legislative document is intended to ensure that our rights to privacy and data protection can be effectively asserted in our everyday lives. One of the main […]

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February 29, 2012

EU standards reform: Carte blanche stifles open formats

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Reform europäischer Normen: Blankovollmacht bremst offene Formate aus |] The European standardisation system is being revamped. In the European Parliament, the Consumer Committee (IMCO) under its rapporteur Lara Comi (EPP, Italy) is deliberating a proposal from the European Commission. Parliament members face tricky regulatory decisions on the […]

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May 19, 2010

Two Digital Agendas, but one European Union

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Zwei Digitale Agenden, aber eine Europäische Union |] The European Parliament (EP) passed on 6 May 2010, with a large majority, a resolution adopting the report on a new Digital Agenda for Europe: by MEP Pilar del Castillo Vera. The report outlines the Internet policy for […]

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January 16, 2017 · Blogs

2017: Important Consultations for your Digital Rights!

Public consultations are an opportunity to influence policy-making at an early stage, and to help to shape a brighter future for your digital rights.

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