April 8, 2009

Big Brother Awards France 2009

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Big Brother Awards Frankreich 2009 | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1363] The French Big Brother Awards ceremony, or ‘Orwell Party’, was held this year on Saturday 4 April. The 2009 edition awarded 12 of the 35 nominees, in 6 categories, one of them being the positive ‘Voltaire Award’. Armand Mattelart, a renowned […]

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April 22, 2009

European Parliament ITRE committee votes against the 3 strikes

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ITRE-Komitee des Europäischen Parlaments stimmt gegen die 3 Treffer | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1369] The ITRE – Industry, Research and Energy Committee of the European Parliament (EP) has voted in the evening of 21 April 2009 on the Trautmann report and has reintroduced amendment 138. However some of the amendments approved […]

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April 22, 2009

Three strikes law rejected by the French deputies

article updated on the score of vote on 28.04 This article is also available in: Deutsch: [3 Treffer-Gesetz von französichen Abgeordneten abgelehnt | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1370] On 9 April 2009, the French Parliament voted against the so called Hadopi law introducing the graduate response, against the recommendation of the Joint Mixed Commission (CMP – Commission Mixte Paritaire). […]

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April 22, 2009

German Government forces ISPs to put web filters

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutsche Regierung verpflichtet ISPs zur Einführung von Webfiltern|http://www.unwatched.org/node/1372] Macedonian: [Германската влада ги принудува интернет | http://www.metamorphosis.org.mk/content/view/1430/4/lang,mk/] The German Government, through Germany’s family minister Ursula von der Leyen as well as the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), Jörg Ziercke, signed on 17 April 2009 “voluntary” contracts […]

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April 22, 2009

Finnish e-voting results annulled by the Supreme Administrative Court

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Finnische E-Wahl Ergebnisse vom Obersten Verwaltungsgerichtshof annulliert | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1373] Macedonian: [Резултатите од е-гласањето во Финска поништени од Врховниот управен суд | http://www.metamorphosis.org.mk/content/view/1437/4/lang,mk/] The Finnish Supreme Administrative Court has ruled on the municipal elections of 2008, in which an e-voting system was piloted. In its decision, the court sided […]

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April 22, 2009

Launch of the first European Civil Liberties Day

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Einstand zum ersten Europäischen Tag der Bürgerrechte | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1374] Macedonian: [Организиран првиот Европски ден на… | http://www.metamorphosis.org.mk/content/view/1440/4/lang,mk/] Earlier this month, over a hundred politicians, journalists and campaigners attended the launch of the first European Civil Liberties Day – 15 April at the European Parliament. Organised by the Liberals […]

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April 22, 2009

Infringement procedure against UK for lack of privacy protection

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Übergriffsverfahren gegen GB wegen Mängel beim Datenschutz | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1375] On 14 April 2009, Viviane Reding, the European Union’s Commissioner for Information Society and Media, reasserted the intention of the European Commission to take action if EU Member States failed to ensure the right of the citizens to control […]

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April 22, 2009

EDRi supports a petition for Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [EDRi unterstützt eine Petition für nichtkommerzielle Interessensgruppen | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1376] > On 15 April 2009 EDRi signed, together with other 50 organisations representing the civil society from around the world, the Global Civil Society Statement in support of Petition for a Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG) at ICANN. The petition […]

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April 22, 2009

Dutch Government on data retention

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Die Niederländische Regierung und die Vorratsdatenspeicherung | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1377] The answers of the Dutch Government to the additional set of questions sent by the Dutch Senate about the implementation of the Data Retention Directive reveal some interesting opinions. At the end of 2008 the Dutch Senate held a hearing […]

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April 22, 2009

Creative Commons licences launched in Czech Republic

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Creative Commons in der Tschechischen Republik eingeführt | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1378] Macedonian: [Лиценците Криејтив комонс во Република Чешка | http://www.metamorphosis.org.mk/content/view/1432/4/lang,mk/] The localized version of the Creative Commons licences was launched on 15 April in the Czech Republic, which has become the fifty-second jurisdiction worldwide to offer localized Creative Commons licenses. […]

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April 22, 2009

Are anonymous electronic services to be prohibited by the EC?

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Sollen anonyme elektronische Dienste von der Europäischen Kommission verboten werden? | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1379] This article is also available in: Macedonian: [Европската комисија ќе ги забрани… | http://www.metamorphosis.org.mk/content/view/1434/4/lang,mk/] Having in view the data retention law requirements and the fact that data retention can be avoided by the use of anonymous […]

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April 22, 2009

ENDitorial: Why "Olivennes Bill" wouldn't work in Italy

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: Warum „Olivennes Gesetz“ in Italien nicht funktionieren würde | http://www.unwatched.org/node/1380] “Olivennes Bill” (named after the French lobbyist who proposed it, also known as Hadopi law or 3 strikes law) on copyright protection has been blocked by the French Parliament a couple of days ago (but there is […]

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