December 16, 2009 · Blogs

German Constitutional Court held hearing on data retention

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Das deutsche Bundesverfassungsgericht verhandelt über Vorratsdatenspeicherung|] The German Constitutional Court held a hearing on 15 December 2009 in the largest constitutional case ever regarding the local implementation of the data retention law. The motion has been supported by over 34 000 people. The law has already been […]

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June 29, 2011

New draft law for data retention in Romania

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Neuer Entwurf zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Rumänien |] The Romanian Ministry of Information Society and Communication (MCSI) submitted, for public comments, on 23 June 2011, a new draft law for the implemention of the EU data retention directive, after the Romanian Constitutional Court decided on 7 October 2009 […]

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June 5, 2013 · Blogs

EC goes after governments for not implementing data retention

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Kommission geht gegen Mitgliedsländer wegen Nicht-Umsetzung der Richtlinie zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung vor |] On 30 May 2013, the European Court of Justice ordered Sweden to pay the European Commission 3 million euro for the delay in transposing the 2006 EU data retention directive into its national law. Sweden […]

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June 17, 2015 · Blogs

Belgian Constitutional Court rules against data retention

On 12 June, following two actions for annulment brought independently, the Belgian Constitutional Court ruled against the mass collection of communications metadata. This ruling is line with a recent ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) invalidating the directive that inspired the Belgian law. The Data Retention Directive (2006/24/CE) adopted in […]

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May 9, 2007

First draft on data retention law in Romania

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) A first draft law for the implementation of the data retention directive was presented at the end of April 2007 by the Romanian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology for public consultation. The ministry also organized on 26 April a public debate on the draft law. The […]

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June 4, 2008

Czech Parliament – close in implementing data retention directive

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) Czech Parliament is close to approving the data retention implementation as an Act amending the Electronic Communications Act (127/2005 Coll.). Due to the early introduction of the data retention obligation in the text of the 2005 Act, the current amending draft law implementing the data retention directive […]

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January 18, 2012

Commission confirms illegality of Data Retention Directive

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Kommission bestätigt Widerrechtlichkeit der Vorratsdatenspeicherung |] The EDRi-member Quintessenz – Austria has published a leak of an internal paper from the Commission intended to inform DAPIX, the Council’s working party on information exchange and data protection, of the results of the Commission’s consultation in April 2011 on […]

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September 24, 2008

International workshop in Budapest challenges data retention

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) 70 international experts and e-activists met in Budapest on Friday 19 September to discuss EU-wide policies on data retention and to develop strategies for defending and enhancing privacy. Hosted by the Center for Media and Communication Studies (CMCS) at the Central European University in Budapest, the workshop […]

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May 6, 2015 · Blogs

Slovakia: Mass surveillance of citizens is unconstitutional

Slovakia’s data retention law is now history. On 29 April, the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic ruled that the mass surveillance of citizens is unconstitutional. The decision was made in the context of proceedings initiated by 30 Members of the Parliament on behalf of the European Information Society Institute (EISi), a Slovakia-based think-tank. In […]

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April 25, 2007

Data retention and increased surveillance in Germany

(Dieser Artikel ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar) The German government has approved the draft legislation that implements the data retention directive, but the political opposition and the growing anti-surveillance movement shows an important resistance to the new plans of the federal Minister for the interior, Wolfgang Schäuble, who wants an ever increased surveillance. The […]

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September 26, 2018 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

Five reasons to be concerned about the Council ePrivacy draft

The amendments improve the original proposal by strengthening confidentiality requirements for electronic communication services, and include a ban on tracking walls, legally binding signals for giving or refusing consent to online tracking, and privacy by design requirements for web browsers and apps.

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May 21, 2014 · Blogs

Legal analysis of the Data Retention ruling of the European Court

The legal service of the Council of the European Union has produced an analysis of the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the data retention Directive. While these documents are normally confidential, this text has been leaked and provides interesting insights into the ruling – making one wonder what justification […]

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