October 20, 2021 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation | Surveillance and data retention

Facebook Files: How a ban on surveillance advertising can fix Facebook

Facebook is engulfed in the biggest crisis to hit the company since the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The explosive revelations by whistle-blower Frances Haugen, is that Facebook’s leadership refused to make changes that would make their platforms safer because they “put their immense profits before people”.

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April 6, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Surveillance and data retention

Criminal complaint against illegal export of surveillance software is making an impact: the FinFisher group of companies ceases business operations after its accounts are seized by Public Prosecutor’s Office

Following a criminal complaint filed by the Society for Civil Rights (Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte e.V.), Reporters without Borders (RSF), the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) and netzpolitik.org over illegal exports of surveillance software, the Munich-based corporate group FinFisher has ceased its business operations. The Public Prosecutor’s Office Munich announced that it had seized the company’s accounts, after which FinFisher GmbH and two partner companies filed for insolvency.

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April 19, 2023 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Biometrics | Privacy and confidentiality | Profiling practices | Surveillance and data retention

France becomes the first European country to legalise biometric surveillance

EDRi member and Reclaim Your Face partner La Quadrature du Net charts out the chilling move by France to undermine human rights progress by ushering in mass algorithmic surveillance, which in a shocking move, has been authorised by national Parliamentarians.

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July 12, 2023 · Blogs | Campaigns | Open letters | Privacy and data protection | Data protection standards | Surveillance and data retention

Open letter: Hundreds of scientists warn against EU’s proposed CSA Regulation

Over 300 security researchers & academics warn against the measures in the EU's proposed Child Sexual Abuse Regulation (CSAR), citing harmful side-effects of large-scale scanning of online communications which would have a chilling effect on society and negatively affect democracies. The letter remains open for signatures.

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April 20, 2011

Implementation of the SWIFT agreement under review

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Umsetzung des SWIFT-Abkommens auf dem Prüfstand | http://www.unwatched.org/EDRigram_9.8_Implementierung_des_SWIFT-Abkommens_wird_geprueft] A review prepared by the EU delegation of the joint review team on the implementation of the SWIFT (TFTP) agreement concluded that “all of the relevant elements of the Agreement have been implemented in accordance with its provisions, including the […]

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March 19, 2013 · Blogs

Parliament Legal Affairs Committee adopts improved position on privacy legislation

The European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) has adopted its Opinion on the Data Protection Regulation. Even though the adopted text has fatal flaws, it represents a significant improvement compared with the Opinions adopted in other committees. Despite the avalanche of lobbying by a section of industry, business associations, “SME associations” funded by big business, […]

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February 10, 2021 · Blogs | Highlights | Information democracy | Open internet and inclusive technology | Privacy and data protection | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Biometrics | Data protection standards | Equal access to the internet | Freedom of expression online | Inclusive technologies | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation | Privacy and confidentiality | Profiling practices | Surveillance and data retention | Transparency

#PrivacyCamp21: Event Summary

The theme of the 9th edition of Privacy Camp was "Digital rights for change: Reclaiming infrastructures, repairing the future" and included thirteen sessions on a variety of topics. The event was attended by 250 people. If you missed the event or want a reminder of what happened in the session, find the session summaries below.

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June 16, 2021 · Blogs | Publications | Privacy and data protection | Online tracking industry / AdTech | Platform regulation | Surveillance and data retention

How online ads discriminate

The risks and harms that are associated with hyper-targeted online ads have been widely documented. Yet, the same amount of attention has not been shown to the many ways in which harms and risks of online advertising are unequally distributed, and how targeted online advertising can have discriminatory effects. This is the focus of EDRi’s newly launched report.

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May 5, 2022 · Blogs | Press releases | Privacy and data protection | Surveillance and data retention

Europol’s ever-increasing mandate: European Parliament failed to stand up for fundamental rights

Today, 4 May, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) approved the revision of Europol’s mandate and the Schengen Information System. This supports a massive, unchecked expansion of Europol’s powers, posing a threat to people’s rights through over-policing, mass surveillance and discrimination.

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May 25, 2022 · Blogs | Privacy and data protection | Privacy and confidentiality | Surveillance and data retention

How a Hollywood star lobbies the EU for more surveillance

The European Union debates a new law that could force platforms to scan all private messages for signs of child abuse. Its most prominent advocate is the actor Ashton Kutcher.

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November 21, 2005

Civil Society Tunis declaration

APC, the association for progressive communication, reports on the civil society press conference on 18 November. Civil society representatives from all continents lined up on a panel to deliver a stark closing statement. The civil society statement was not finalised, but four points are addressed: internet governance, human rights, financing and development, and follow-up. The […]

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May 17, 2010

Comic Book – Under Surveillance

The comic book “Under surveillance” is an information and awareness tool for young adults created in the European project “Sensitization and information of young European citizens on the protection of their personal data”, where EDRi was one of the partners. The project is coordinated by the French League of Human Rights (LDH), in partnership with […]

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