March 25, 2009

Telecom Package in second reading – dangerous amendments

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Das Telekompaket in der zweiten Lesung – gefährliche Zusätze |] Several alarming amendments to the Telecom Package second reading in the European Parliament are to be voted on 31 March 2009 by ITRE/IMCO committee. The amendments are meant to give additional control to the entertainment industry, telecoms […]

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March 25, 2009

Extension of copyright term postponed in the European Parliament

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Ausweitung der Urheberrechtsfrist vom Europäischen Parlament verschoben |] Macedonian: [ЕП го одложи продолжувањето на период.. |,mk/] As a result of the very large controversy and lack of consensus among MEPs, in a meeting of the presidents of the political groups in the European Parliament on 17 […]

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March 10, 2010

French Constitutional Court: No to police access to private space CCTV

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Französisches Verfassungsgericht: Nein zu Polizeizugriff auf CCTV im privaten Bereich |] On 25 February 2010, the French Constitutional Council gave its decision on the appeal made by a group of more than 60 senators and 60 deputies against the law reinforcing the fight against gang violence and […]

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March 25, 2009

German Police searches the homes of the domain owner

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutsche Polizei durchsucht die Häuser des Inhabers der Wikileaks-Domain |] The German Police searched the homes of Theodor Reppe, the owner of the domain name, alleging he was under investigation for “distribution of pornographic material” and “discovery of evidence” The seven police officers in Dresden and […]

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March 10, 2010

Article 29: Reduce the storing period of Google Street View's images

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Artikel 29: Reduziert die Lagerzeit der Google Street View-Aufnahmen |] Alex Turk, the head of EU Article 29 Working Party (WP) sent a letter on 11 February 2010 asking Google company to warn people about the arrival of its Street View vehicles and to reduce the retention […]

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March 25, 2009

Data sharing legislation pulled by the UK government

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Gesetzgebung zur Datenweitergabe von der Britischen Regierung gestoppt |] The campaign of Privacy International and of other civil liberties groups against data sharing legislation in UK resulted in the UK Government decision to abandon Clause 152 of the Coroners and Justice Bill. The respective clause was giving […]

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March 10, 2010

Survey on Chip implants in Germany

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Gutachten zu Chipimplantaten in Deutschland |] According to a survey carried out by German IT industry lobby group BITKOM, 23% out of 1000 German respondents would accept to have a microchip implanted in their body if that would bring concrete benefits from it. The survey was meant […]

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March 25, 2009

France: Three strikes law debated by the General Assembly

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Frankreich: 3 Treffer-Gesetz von der Generalversammlung diskutiert |] The debates on the French three strikes law (so called Hadopi law) started on 11 March 2009 in the General Assembly only to be suspended at the end of the second day, to be continued on 31 March. While […]

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March 10, 2010

Declaration on Safer Internet proposed in the Macedonian Parliament

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deklaration zu Safer Internet im makedonischen Parlament beantragt |] On 24 February 2010, a group of MPs submitted a Draft-Declaration on Safer Internet during the 39th session of the Commission for Transport, Communications and Environment of the Macedonian Parliament. MP Aleksandar Spasenovski is the initiator of the […]

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March 25, 2009

European Parliament wants more transparency on ACTA

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Europäisches Parlament fordert mehr Transparenz bei ACTA |] The European Parliament has included in the Draft Regulation regarding public access to the European Parliament, Council and Commission documents a reference asking for more transparency in the current negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) A recital in […]

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March 10, 2010

ENDitorial: ACTA, the Euro Parliament resolution and political clarity

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [ENDitorial: ACTA, die Resolution des Europäischen Parlaments und politische Klarheit |] The European Parliament adopted a widely-reported Resolution on ACTA on 10 March. It contained several positive elements. For example, it insists that the Agreement not go beyond the requirements of existing EU law and demands an […]

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March 25, 2009

Germany: Data retention is disproportionate

This article is also available in: Deutsch: [Deutschland: Vorratsdatenspeicherung ist unverhältnismäßig |] Macedonian: [Германија: Задржувањето на податоци е непропорционално |,mk/] The German Working Group on Data Retention (AK Vorrat) announced that the Administrative Court of Wiesbaden found the blanket recording of the entire population’s traffic data on telephone, mobile phone, e-mail and Internet […]

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