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Internet restrictions in Turkey violate fundamental rights
After the major earthquake that took place in Turkey on 6 February, covering 10 provinces and a population of approximately 15 million, bandwidth restriction for social media platforms such as Twitter and Tiktok was implemented. Whenever the current government was criticised for not meeting its obligations, throttling was used as an option to filter and prevent the flow of information.
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State of emergency worsens digital crackdown in Turkey
According to a new report by Freedom House, web freedom across the globe declined for the sixth consecutive year. Turkey placed among the red-flag states in terms of web freedom in 2015-2016 and is now rated “not free” in “Freedom on the net 2016” report after repeated blocking of social media. The country’s status score […]
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Internet Ungovernance Forum – civil society counterbalance to IGF
The ninth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be held on 2-5 September 2014 in Istanbul, with the theme “Connecting Continents for Enhanced Multistakeholder Internet Governance”. Although civil society and activists who are fighting for a free Internet are reassembled in the IGF meetings, governments and corporations have a much larger representation. As an attempt to […]
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