arlene mccarthy
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Why did UK Labour MEP Arlene McCarthy fail to vote to protect vulnerable children?
On Wednesday 3 April, British Labour MEP Arlene McCarthy sent an urgent e-mail to her colleagues about a vote on “net neutrality” (part of the Telecoms Single Market Regulation) that was scheduled to take place the following day. In her e-mail, she alleged that amendments tabled by the Socialist Group in the European Parliament (of […]
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Child pornography and the net neutrality vote – what happened?
Immediately before the vote on the “net neutrality” vote (in the so-called Telecoms Single Market Regulation), there was a sudden storm around the issue of “child pornography”. What exactly was going on? Child pornography The 2011 EU Directive “on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography” took two years of […]
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