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Italian Supreme Court: Google’s Youtube is just a hosting provider
(title corrected from the newsletter version when the title was wrongfuly posted as “Italian Supreme Court: search engines are just hosting providers”) The Italian Supreme Court (Court of Cassation) finally comes to put an end to a long-term case brought in 2008 by Vividown association against three Google executives considered responsible for a post uploaded […]
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Dutch Court finds Pirate Bay blocking disproportionate
In a new instalment of the Dutch saga of copyrightholders representative BREIN demanding courts to order ISPs to block The Pirate Bay this mostly worrisome string of court decisions takes a turn for the better: the The Hague Court of Appeals has judged that previous blocking orders that had been granted have been mostly ineffective […]
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Spain court orders an ISP to disconnect a user for P2P file sharing
For the first time in Spain, a court has ruled that an ISP must disconnect one of its users for having shared P2P music files. In a case brought to the court by Promusicae, an association of Spanish music producers, against the Spanish ISP R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia, the Barcelona Court of Appeals has […]
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