code of conduct
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Parliamentarians encourage online platforms to censor legal content
On 18 May 2017, the European Parliament Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) adopted a report on the Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market.
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ENDitorial: Commissioners’ oath – a broken promise on fundamental rights
On 3 May, 2010, the entire European Commission travelled to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Strasbourg to, for the first time in the history of the Union, take an oath that included a solemn declaration to “respect the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in […]
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FAQ: EU Code of Conduct on illegal hate speech
On 31 May 2016, the European Commission signed a “Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online” with four US online companies. This initiative came as a response to what is generally seen as a significant increase in extreme hate speech and a growth in violence against minorities.
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Follow the money – following some positive paths
In the EDRi-gram on 19 October, we reported on the draft “guiding principles” for a “follow the money approach” for online intellectual property right (IPR) infringements. The “guiding principles” were finalised in a meeting on 22 October. Having been very critical of the draft – and still fundamentally opposed in principle to privatised law enforcement […]
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New documents reveal the truth behind the Hate Speech Code
EDRi obtained documents revealing different drafts of the Code of Conduct against Hate Speech and the correspondence exchanged between the European Commission and the four big companies that concluded the agreement on 31 May 2016: Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft. These documents complement an interesting response sent by Commissioner Jourová to a letter from the […]
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Three steps to end freedom of expression
Our right to freedom of expression is laid out in law by the EU Treaties. To ensure democracy and accountability, this fundamental human right may not be restricted unless it is necessary, achieves an objective of general interest and the measure to restrict it is provided for by law.
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EDRi and Access Now withdraw from the EU Commission IT Forum discussions
Today, on 31 May, European Digital Rights (EDRi) and Access Now delivered a joint statement on the EU Commission’s “EU Internet Forum”, announcing our decision not to take part in future discussions and confirming that we do not have confidence in the ill considered “code of conduct” that was agreed. Launched at the end of […]
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Danish Ministry of Culture: Danes should be regulated by Google
In 2012, ACTA was rejected by the European Parliament with an overwhelming majority, not least due to its proposals to allow private law enforcement by foreign internet companies. Despite this, on 8 May 2015, the Danish Ministry of Culture presented a “Code of Conduct” agreement with a number of internet intermediaries, which in many respects […]
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